About the Game
For generations, mothers have been teaching their children to say "please" and "thank you" but these days it takes a campaign of "random acts of kindness" to give most people a nudge to be more thoughtful. Indeed, one needs only to turn on a TV to any show with “Real Housewives of” in the title to see plenty of reinforcement of rude and offensive behavior. While kids may not be watching these reality shows directly; I think you’d be surprised what trickles down and seeps through the cracks into a child’s psyche.
That’s why it’s so refreshing that today’s parents can welcome Queen Grace into their homes. As ruler of Kindness Kingdom
Kindness Kingdom
My Take on the Book
This was a board game unlike any other I have tried. Not only does it entertain, but it educates as well. On top of this, what it is teaching is something that as a parent you want your children to learn. I mean who wouldn't want your child to have good manners - I know I do! The game board in this was so colorful and the gameplay was fun and engaging! I liked the characters and the diversity that they embodied. I also loved the fact that both of my girls could play this without any problems. With both a nine and five year-old I am always happy when I can find a game that my girls will enjoy together, and not leave one or the other out from the fun. The questions in the game were fun and engaging and make players really think about the scenarios that are being shared.
While I have girls, I think that boys could also learn from this game too. I also have to say that as an adult this was a great game to remind me of some of the manners-niceties that I may have forgotten over the years - so kudos to Marvelously Well Mannered for putting together a game that at least in my home has been played a few times straight (and that was only on one night)! I know we will have many manner-filled evenings to come of game-playing fun in our future and so can you and your family!
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