About the Book
Miceking chief Sven the Shouter has a new goal: to transform smarty-mouse Geronimo Stiltonord into a true macho mouseking. Geronimo must undergo special training, leading up to a terrifying final test -- pulling a tooth from a dragon's mouth! Shivering squids! Will he ever earn a miceking helmet?
My Take on the Book
Geronimo Stilton is involved in a new adventure. In this story he is a mouseking in an ancient north land. There are dragons to fight and helmets to win for bravery.
As the story begins, the townspeople decide Geronimo needs to be stronger so they hire Max Musclepaw to train Geronimo. Musclepaw thinks he is invincible but as the story progresses the reader will see the challenges that Max encounters.
Geronimo shows that a good brain and problem solving skills are as important as muscles and strength. By the end of the adventure, Max agrees.
There are many humorous situations in this book. The fun use of language will delight the reader. A child in second through fourth grades will enjoy this chapter book.

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