About the Book
The only book with dozens of top-scoring REAL SAT essays from REAL students
About the Author
Tom Clements, a father of four daughters who attended Ivy League undergraduate and graduate schools with his help, has spent over 20 years of his life tutoring for the SATS, as well as calculus, physics, and chemistry. A former Silicon Valley freelance writer for tech magazines, corporate trainer for international bankers, and former college English teacher, Clements holds a Masters of International Business degree from St. Mary’s College and a BA in English Literature. His new book, How to Write a KILLER SAT Essay ...in 25 Minutes or Less!, is available for purchase at Amazon.com. Or you may visit the author’s website, www.tctutoring.net, or visit Killer SAT on Facebook or more information.
My Take on the Book
As someone who has worked in the College Admissions field for a number of years I have to say that this was a very well-written book that was written at the level for any teenager to follow and understand. I loved the number of examples that the author provides within the text and he makes it very simple for the reader to grasp the concepts that he is sharing. What he also does within this book is he shares his thoughts in a fun, down-to-earth way that a teenager will relate to. He does not pontificate and share a list of do this and not that, but instead gives clear instruction and examples to help any reader with making their SAT Essay that much stronger. This was a great book that I would highly recommend to any teenager preparing for the SAT, as this will put your mind at ease and help you to be ready to ace the writing portion of the test!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
The Best Time for Teens to Take the SAT
The Best Time for Teens to Take the SAT
By Tom Clements, author of How to Write a Killer SAT Essay... in 25 Minutes or Less!
One of the biggest mistakes a parent of a high school student can make is having their teen sign up for the SATs too early. While parents want to get a “jump start” on the test and college applications, and students simply want to “get it over with”, both scenarios miss the mark, resulting in test dates that occur long before a student's brain is actually ready.
As a professional tutor, veteran writer and educator, I advise parents to have their daughters and sons take the SAT test at the end - not the beginning - of junior year. There are a couple of very important reasons for this.
First of all, junior year is a year of exponential academic growth. High school students spend their first two years adjusting to the stress of academic life, learning not only the study skills they need to stay on top of math, science, English, and history courses, but also learning to deal with peer pressure, social networking (on- and off-line), activities, sports, and, most importantly, time management. For the vast majority of students, it's only junior year when things -- academic and otherwise -- start to gel and the learning curve begins to spike.
To take the best advantage of this exponential spike in learning, it's important for kids to take the SAT toward the end of their junior year, when math, reading, and writing skills are optimized. This is the time of peak performance.
And it's not just academics that receive a junior year boost; it's also psychological attributes like focus and maturity, the two qualities essential to success on a standardized test like the SAT. The SAT is a marathon, roughly four hours long, and test takers need not only focus to deal with the ten different sections of the test but also the maturity to pace themselves and not give in to distractions, frustrations, and ennui.
One of my students, for example, found himself in an SAT room seated next to a girl with tiny bells on her shoes, which, every time she wiggled her feet (which was often!), sent tiny sonic shivers through the room. My student had to find both the strength to focus and ignore the distraction and the maturity not to strangle the girl! Maturity, moreover, leads to greater self-confidence, an essential attribute of successful test-takers.
Another student told me of the time her proctor for the SAT exam spent most of his time in the front of the room talking on his cell phone while the rest of the kids were trying to concentrate on the test. No one wanted to criticize the proctor, or even politely ask that he wait until the test was over, for fear of being ostracized and thrown even more off balance for the remainder of the test. No one wanted to lose focus on the crucial task at hand.
My generation, of course, never had to deal with anything remotely similar to a four- hour, nerve-racking standardized test on which college admissions now largely depend. It's a different world out there today, folks!
Which brings me to my second point… Because there is so much riding on this test, it's mandatory for students to take the SAT twice, once in March of their junior year and again a few months later in May. I’ve used a simple sports playoff metaphor with my students and their parents to explain the dynamics of this approach.
Which teams invariably do best in the playoffs? Those coming in for their first go-round or veteran teams, who've "been there, done that"?
The answer, of course, is that veteran teams perform better. Way better. Consequently, I position the March test as a "pre-season" game, where students can learn to deal with time constraints, distractions (remember the bells?), proctor problems, and the fear factor, which weighs heavily on most teens the first time they take the test. (By the way, the PSATs don’t have an essay, so there is no test-writing practice until their first SAT.)
Then, in May, when they take the test for the second time, the students come back into the room as "game-day veterans", much more confident about handling the circus atmosphere of the testing arena and more aware of what variables they have to contend with. Scores typically go up over 100 points for my students taking the test again in May.
It's these score increases that bring me to my final point. As an SAT tutor, I schedule my classes to run from January to May so that students can take full advantage of the points I've made so far:
- Exponential spikes in junior year learning
- Greater self-confidence that comes with maturity
- The ability to better focus on the task at hand.
When searching for the right SAT training course for you or your child, look for programs that leverage these attributes, enabling students to better assimilate and implement the strategies and techniques taught. The result: significantly higher scores than would have been obtained had they taken the test in the fall of their junior year.
The race, in other words, is not always won by those who start the earliest. In the surreal and stressful world of SAT testing, students need to slow down and smell the roses, both academic and psychological, to maximize their potential and obtain top SAT scores.
About the Author
Tom Clements, a father of four daughters who attended Ivy League undergraduate and graduate schools with his help, has spent over 20 years of his life tutoring for the SATS, as well as calculus, physics, and chemistry. A former Silicon Valley freelance writer for tech magazines, corporate trainer for international bankers, and former college English teacher, Clements holds a Masters of International Business degree from St. Mary’s College and a BA in English Literature. His new book, How to Write a KILLER SAT Essay ...in 25 Minutes or Less!, is available for purchase at Amazon.com. Or you may visit the author’s website, www.tctutoring.net, or visit Killer SAT on Facebook or more information.
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Book Review - The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing
About the Book
Are you passionate about books? Do you have the desire to share your thoughts about a book with readers, yet are unsure about what makes a good review?
Veteran book reviewers Mayra Calvani and Anne K. Edwards, authors of The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing, have written a book that explains how to write a well-written, honest, objective and professional book review.
Here are their Ten Commandments of Book Reviewing:
The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing serves as an excellent reference tool and amalgam of resources. The book shows you how to write a well-written, honest, objective and professional book review.
Available online and at www.TwilightTimesBooks.com
About the Authors
Mayra Calvani writes fiction and nonfiction for children and adults. She’s had over 300 stories, articles, interviews and reviews published both online and in print, in publications such as The Writer, Writer's Journal, Acentos Review, Bloomsbury Review, Mosaic, and Multicultural Review, among many others. A reviewer for more than a decade, she now offers numerous book reviewing workshops online. She also offers workshops on the art of picture book writing. She's represented by Mansion Street Literary and Savvy Literary. www.MayraCalvani.com
Anne K. Edwards is an award-winning multi-genre author, reviewer and editor of Voice in the Dark Ezine. Her latest novel is the suspense thriller, Shadows Over Paradise, published by Twilight Times Books. www.AnneKEdwards.com
My Take on the Book
As a person that has been writing book reviews for a number of years now, the authors in this book are correct in the fact that there is an art to writing good book reviews and that sometimes it can be a bit "slippery". What was great about this book was that the authors spell out to the readers some of the tricks in the trade as well as providing a number of great resources for any aspiring reviewer in the back of the book itself. I liked how the book used real reviews to illustrate their points as well as giving you step-by-step instructions at how one should be reviewing and writing high quality reviews for any book that they are sharing. All-in-all, this was a great book that I would highly recommend to any current or future book reviewer as even though I have been reviewing for a while, I learned quite a bit in reading this book and I know that you will too.
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Are you passionate about books? Do you have the desire to share your thoughts about a book with readers, yet are unsure about what makes a good review?
Veteran book reviewers Mayra Calvani and Anne K. Edwards, authors of The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing, have written a book that explains how to write a well-written, honest, objective and professional book review.
Here are their Ten Commandments of Book Reviewing:
- Thou shall have no other gods before the reader. The review is not about the author, nor the publisher, and especially, not about you, the reviewer. Reviews are all about the reader. Don’t try to impress with pompous words in an attempt to glorify yourself or appear scholarly. Give readers simplicity and clarity. They’ll appreciate it. If they want verbose and fancy, they can read Shakespeare.
- Thou shall not lie. Honesty is what defines your trade. Without it, you’re doing nothing but selling copy. When you give facile praise or sugar-coat a book, sooner or later readers will take you for what you are: a phony.
- Thou shall try not to offend the author. Just as honesty is important, so is tact. There’s no need to be harsh or mean. A tactfully written, well-meant negative review should offer the author insight into what is wrong with the book. Instead of saying, “This is a terrible novel!” say, “This book didn’t work for me for the following reasons…”
- Thou shall not eat the evaluation. Some fledgling reviewers write a long blurb of the book and leave out the evaluation. The evaluation is the most important part of a review. A summary of the plot is not an evaluation. Saying, “I really liked this book” is not an evaluation. The evaluation tells the reader what is good and bad about the book, and whether or not it is worth buying.
- Thou shall not reveal spoilers. Nobody likes to be told the ending of a movie before having watched it. The same thing is valid for a book. If you give spoilers in your review, not only do you lessen the reader’s reading experience but you also risk being sued by the publisher or author.
- Thou shall honor grammar, syntax, and punctuation. Don’t be one of those reviewers who are more in love with the idea of seeing their name online than making sure their reviews are well-written and thorough. Your reviews may hang around on the internet for years to come and will reflect on your level as a writer. Run a spell check, edit, revise, and polish your review, as if you were posting a short story. Get a good book on grammar, and punctuation, take an online course or listen regularly to podcasts such as The Grammar Girl.
- Thou shall honor deadlines. If you join a review site where the turnaround for reviews is 3 weeks, then you should respect that agreement. If you promise the author to have the review ready in two months, you should honor this too. Be honest and straight forward from the beginning. If you’re so busy your turnaround is six months, make sure to let the person know. If for any reasons you cannot meet the deadline, contact the person and let him know. It’s your responsibility to maintain a do-able schedule.
- Thou shall not be prejudiced against thy neighbor. Don’t assume that a self-published or small press book is poorly written. Give it a fair chance and let it speak for itself. Likewise, never assume a book published by a major NY house has to be good. You’d be surprised by the high quality of some small press books by unknown authors, as opposed to those written by big name authors whose titles are often in the bestseller lists. In general, most subsidy books are mediocre, but there are always exceptions. If you’ve had bad experiences with subsidy books, then don’t request them nor accept them for review. If you decide to review one, though, don’t be biased and give it a fair chance.
- Thou shall not become an RC addict. RC stands for Review Copy. Requesting RCs can get out of control. In fact, it can become addictive. You should be realistic about how many books you can review. If you don’t, pretty soon you’ll be drowning in more RCs than you can handle. When this happens, reading and reviewing can change from a fun, pleasurable experience into a stressful one. If you’re feeling frazzled because you have a tower of books waiting to be reviewed, learn to say NO when someone approaches you for a review and stop requesting RCs for a while. Unless you’re being paid as a staff reviewer for a newspaper or magazine, reviewing shouldn’t get in the way of your daily life.
- Thou shall honor thy commitment. Remember that any books you’ve agreed to review beforehand are being sent to you in exchange for a review. If your policy is not to review every book you receive, state it clearly on your blog or site so the author or publisher will know what to expect. If you have agreed to review a book, but have a valid reason for not reviewing it, let the review site editor, author, publisher, or publicist know.
The Slippery Art of Book Reviewing serves as an excellent reference tool and amalgam of resources. The book shows you how to write a well-written, honest, objective and professional book review.
Available online and at www.TwilightTimesBooks.com
About the Authors
Mayra Calvani writes fiction and nonfiction for children and adults. She’s had over 300 stories, articles, interviews and reviews published both online and in print, in publications such as The Writer, Writer's Journal, Acentos Review, Bloomsbury Review, Mosaic, and Multicultural Review, among many others. A reviewer for more than a decade, she now offers numerous book reviewing workshops online. She also offers workshops on the art of picture book writing. She's represented by Mansion Street Literary and Savvy Literary. www.MayraCalvani.com
Anne K. Edwards is an award-winning multi-genre author, reviewer and editor of Voice in the Dark Ezine. Her latest novel is the suspense thriller, Shadows Over Paradise, published by Twilight Times Books. www.AnneKEdwards.com
My Take on the Book
As a person that has been writing book reviews for a number of years now, the authors in this book are correct in the fact that there is an art to writing good book reviews and that sometimes it can be a bit "slippery". What was great about this book was that the authors spell out to the readers some of the tricks in the trade as well as providing a number of great resources for any aspiring reviewer in the back of the book itself. I liked how the book used real reviews to illustrate their points as well as giving you step-by-step instructions at how one should be reviewing and writing high quality reviews for any book that they are sharing. All-in-all, this was a great book that I would highly recommend to any current or future book reviewer as even though I have been reviewing for a while, I learned quite a bit in reading this book and I know that you will too.
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Book Review - The House at Becket Lane
About the Book
Lord Dashell Lonsdale is considered one of the most eligible bachelors in London, but few-even Lord Lonsdale himself-know that despite appearances, his family fortune is not as secure as he believes. When a chance encounter with an unknown lady on the street shakes his seemingly stable world, the young lord has no idea how to react. She collapses at his feet, a frightened child in her arms. She is whisked away before he can even learn her name. She is Caroline, the younger of two daughters of a family that carries a burden of secrets as well. All they know is that their mother's tongue is silenced not by pride but by fear-and she took her secret to her grave. Now Caroline lives in a house with only her stepfather to guide her. Lord Lonsdale exploits his station to learn of her identity and where she lives. His arrival triggers an angry quarrel between Caroline and her stepfather. Horrified to have caused such tension within her family, he departs with the promise to return the next day. But duty calls him away before he can keep his promise. He learns that, thanks to the gambling debts of his brother, his family is on the brink of financial ruin. He has no choice but to turn his attention to salvaging the family's fortunes and honor. Now Caroline has her own secret to share-and what she must tell him may end their love before it can begin.
My Take on the Book
This was not the normal genre of book that I would typically read, but I came to find that this was definitely a well written book that engaged me from beginning to end. There is definitely romance within the book and of course a love story, and while this was not a book that I would typically read, for anyone that does enjoy romances and strong character and plot, this is a book that they will enjoy completely. A very well written book that the author should be proud of!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Lord Dashell Lonsdale is considered one of the most eligible bachelors in London, but few-even Lord Lonsdale himself-know that despite appearances, his family fortune is not as secure as he believes. When a chance encounter with an unknown lady on the street shakes his seemingly stable world, the young lord has no idea how to react. She collapses at his feet, a frightened child in her arms. She is whisked away before he can even learn her name. She is Caroline, the younger of two daughters of a family that carries a burden of secrets as well. All they know is that their mother's tongue is silenced not by pride but by fear-and she took her secret to her grave. Now Caroline lives in a house with only her stepfather to guide her. Lord Lonsdale exploits his station to learn of her identity and where she lives. His arrival triggers an angry quarrel between Caroline and her stepfather. Horrified to have caused such tension within her family, he departs with the promise to return the next day. But duty calls him away before he can keep his promise. He learns that, thanks to the gambling debts of his brother, his family is on the brink of financial ruin. He has no choice but to turn his attention to salvaging the family's fortunes and honor. Now Caroline has her own secret to share-and what she must tell him may end their love before it can begin.
My Take on the Book
This was not the normal genre of book that I would typically read, but I came to find that this was definitely a well written book that engaged me from beginning to end. There is definitely romance within the book and of course a love story, and while this was not a book that I would typically read, for anyone that does enjoy romances and strong character and plot, this is a book that they will enjoy completely. A very well written book that the author should be proud of!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Monday, January 30, 2012
Exclusiv Vodka's Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day Cocktails
Wondering how to stock your liquor cabinet with high quality spirits and wine without burning a hole in your wallet? Stop pondering! Exclusiv Vodka’s family of vodkas and Rose Moscato wine has a royal taste without a royal pricetag. The Exclusiv Vodka brand gives you the biggest bang for your buck!
Exclusiv Vodka is especially unique due to its roots in Moldova, a country that gained its independence from Russia in 1991. With its Russian heritage gifting the highest standards for the production of vodka, Exclusiv Vodka is truly a world-class vodka.
Exclusiv Vodka is made with only the highest quality winter wheat and the finest distilling processes, giving it a sweeter, more polished taste without polishing techniques, just like the members of high society preferred over the course of history.
Original Exclusiv Vodka is also in sync with today’s times. Nowadays, people want the highest quality they can get at the most affordable price, which is what Exclusiv’s original vodka is all about. Exclusiv Vodka has the low price of $9.99 a bottle and won silver in this year’s L.A. Wine and Spirits Competition—a testament of its high quality that places it in the same caliber as the world’s most expensive top-shelf vodkas. In 2010, Beverage Tasting Institute rated Exclusiv Vodka 90 points out of 100 and gave it the Best Buy Vodka award. This superior vodka is also available in a 200 mL Frosted Hip Flask priced from $3.99-$4.99.
Like the original vodka, Exclusiv Vodka’s Raspberry and Orange
Like its vodkas, Exclusiv Vodka’s Rose Moscato Wine has both a fine taste and low pricetag of $9.99 a bottle. Exclusiv Vodka just launched this delicious and popular sparkling wine in the United States as of this summer. It is cultivated from the Muscat, which is the only grape to produce wine with the same aroma as the grape itself. This means that both the Muscat and Rose Moscato have a sweet and rich aroma of dried fruits, raisins, and oranges. A sparkling red wine full of rich flavor that is perfect for any social occasion!
A review on Examiner.com states, "Exclusiv has a spice to it that I really love. Exclusiv tastes great alone and on the rocks, in simple Juice/Sprite drinks, and in more complex cocktails."
A testimonial by Beverage Underground also states, "We have discovered a gem of a vodka that shines bright both in the glass and at the bottom line without sacrificing quality, image or smoothness. Exclusiv Vodka may just be the best new ‘total package’ product for both on and off premise retailers and their staffs∑this soft and silky distillate from Moldova is emerging as one of the best leaked secrets of spirits industry professionals."
As the testimonials show, Exclusiv Vodka is a true treat. Taste Exclusiv for yourself and give us your feedback!
About Exclusiv Vodka
Exclusiv is a renowned vodka-distiller and wine-cultivator based in Moldova, a country that just gained its independence from Russia in 1991. The manufacturer’s products are steeped in Russian tradition and new to the United States. Exclusiv’s low-priced vodka has won nine international awards that prove its ranking among the most famous names in vodka. Exclusiv’s Rose Moscato sparkling red wine gained great popularity around Russia, and is now available in the United States as of this month. Visit Exclusiv Vodka online at their official website and on Facebook.
Taste Exclusiv Vodka’s vodka and Rose Moscato wine today and see how they stand up to the most expensive top-shelf brands available.
1 Ounce Exclusiv Citrus Vodka
Squeeze Of ¼ Lemon
½ Ounce Triple Sec
½ Ounce Blue Curacao Liqueur
-Shake Over Ice And Strain Into Champagne Flute
Top With Exclusiv Rose´ Moscato
Garnish With A Cherry
2 Ounces Exclusiv Classic
1 Ounce Triple Sec
1 Ounce White Cranberry Juice
Squeeze Of ¼ Lime
-Shake Over Ice And Strain Into Martini Glass
Top With 1 Ounce Of Exclusiv Rose´ Moscato
Garnish A Strawberry
1 Ounce Exclusiv Orange
Splash Grand Mariner
1 ½ Ounces Of Cranberry Juice
Squeeze Of ¼ Lime
-Shake Over Ice And Pour Into Champagne Flute
Top With Exclusiv Rose´ Moscato
Garnish With A Twist Of Orange
2 Ounces Excusiv Citrus
1 Ounce Sweet and Sour
½ Ounce Raspberry Liqueur
Squeeze of ¼ Lemon
-Shake And Pour Into A Sugar Rimmed Cocktail Glass With Ice
Top With 4 Ounces Of Exclusiv Rose´ Moscato
Garnish With Lemon Wheel And Raspberries
Start With A Sugar Cube And One Dash Of Grenadine (already in flute)
1 Ounce Exclusiv Classic
Squeeze Of ¼ Lemon
-Shake Over Ice And Strain Into Champagne Flute
Top With Exclusiv Rose´ Moscato
Garnish With Lemon Twist
Exclusiv Saint Pat’s-tini
2 oz Exclusiv Vodka
1/2 oz Creme de Cocoa
1 oz Bailey's Irish Cream
1/2 oz green Creme de Menthe
My Take on the Vodka
I was quite impressed with this Vodka. It was not only smooth, but in trying out a number of these above drinks. The drink recipes are definitely ones that anyone who loves Vodka should try. As you get ready for Valentines Day and St. Patrick's Day you can have some great drinks to share with friends and family. The Moscato that Exclusiv offers also has some great flavor as well. My favorite of the above drinks was "The Breathtaker", which will be yours?
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Valentine’s Day DIY gift ideas!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Marvel Studios announced today that they will be sponsoring a Global Twitter Chat on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 at 11 a.m. (PST) with cast members and the director of their highly anticipated action-adventure “Marvel’s The Avengers,” opening in theaters on May 4, 2012. The 30-minute live tweeting event features writer/director Joss Whedon and cast members Tom Hiddleston and Clark Gregg.
Fans around the world will be able to participate in the Q and A on Twitter by using the @Avengers handle and the #Avengers hashtag. Participating fans will have the opportunity to see a 10-second tease of the 30-second Super Bowl spot that will air during Super Bowl XLVI on February 5 on NBC. They will also have a chance to answer “Avengers” trivia for a chance to win “Avengers” prize packs.
International fans will be able to submit questions for the talent in their native language through a global translation tool provided by Ortsbo.com. The chat will be moderated by Marvel’s @Agent_M.
“Marvel’s The Avengers” is the Super Hero team up of a lifetime, featuring iconic Marvel Super Heroes Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow. When an unexpected enemy emerges that threatens global safety and security, NickFury, Director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins.
Starring Robert DowneyJr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, JeremyRenner and Tom Hiddleston, with Stellan SkarsgÃ¥rd and Samuel L. Jackson, and written and directed by Joss Whedon, “Marvel’s The Avengers” is based on the ever-popular Marvel comic book series “The Avengers,” first published in 1963 and a comics institution ever since.
“Marvel’s The Avengers” is presented by Marvel Studios in association with Paramount Pictures. The film is being produced by Marvel Studios’ President Kevin Feige and executive produced by Alan Fine, Stan Lee, Jon Favreau, Louis D’Esposito, Patricia Whitcher, Victoria Alonso and Jeremy Latcham. The film is distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.
Follow @Avengers on Twitter for more details.
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Questions?Drop me a line at dadofdivas@gmail.com
Fans around the world will be able to participate in the Q and A on Twitter by using the @Avengers handle and the #Avengers hashtag. Participating fans will have the opportunity to see a 10-second tease of the 30-second Super Bowl spot that will air during Super Bowl XLVI on February 5 on NBC. They will also have a chance to answer “Avengers” trivia for a chance to win “Avengers” prize packs.
International fans will be able to submit questions for the talent in their native language through a global translation tool provided by Ortsbo.com. The chat will be moderated by Marvel’s @Agent_M.
“Marvel’s The Avengers” is the Super Hero team up of a lifetime, featuring iconic Marvel Super Heroes Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow. When an unexpected enemy emerges that threatens global safety and security, NickFury, Director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins.
Starring Robert DowneyJr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, JeremyRenner and Tom Hiddleston, with Stellan SkarsgÃ¥rd and Samuel L. Jackson, and written and directed by Joss Whedon, “Marvel’s The Avengers” is based on the ever-popular Marvel comic book series “The Avengers,” first published in 1963 and a comics institution ever since.
“Marvel’s The Avengers” is presented by Marvel Studios in association with Paramount Pictures. The film is being produced by Marvel Studios’ President Kevin Feige and executive produced by Alan Fine, Stan Lee, Jon Favreau, Louis D’Esposito, Patricia Whitcher, Victoria Alonso and Jeremy Latcham. The film is distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.
Follow @Avengers on Twitter for more details.
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DVD Review - I Heart Minnie
About the DVD
This coming Valentine and Easter Seasons, The Walt Disney Studios invites everyone to get the party started as the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse gang - Daisy, Mickey, Donald & Goofy - celebrate MinnieMouse’s birthday. Releasing for the first time on DVD and Digital Copy, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: I Minnie will be made available for purchase nationwide on February 7, 2012.
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: I Minnie has been packaged to include five, fun-filled episodes - each underlining the themes of friendship, teamwork, sharing and problem solving – and an all new bonus feature “You’re Invited to Minnie’s Birthday Party,” as well as two complimentary Best Friend necklaces to keep as mementos and/or to share with a very special someone this Valentine’s Day.
The five classic episodes include:
Voice Talent:
My Take on the DVD
This was a great collection of great Minnie Videos! If you are a fan of this iconic mouse, you will truly love this collection. My daughters had a blast watching not only Minnie, but the whole gang. The episodes were very fun and my daughters have now asked me to watch the show two more times (go figure). All-in-all this was a fun collection that any Disney lover would love!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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This coming Valentine and Easter Seasons, The Walt Disney Studios invites everyone to get the party started as the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse gang - Daisy, Mickey, Donald & Goofy - celebrate MinnieMouse’s birthday. Releasing for the first time on DVD and Digital Copy, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: I Minnie will be made available for purchase nationwide on February 7, 2012.
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: I Minnie has been packaged to include five, fun-filled episodes - each underlining the themes of friendship, teamwork, sharing and problem solving – and an all new bonus feature “You’re Invited to Minnie’s Birthday Party,” as well as two complimentary Best Friend necklaces to keep as mementos and/or to share with a very special someone this Valentine’s Day.
The five classic episodes include:
- Minnie and Daisy’s Flower Shower (All-New, Never-Before-Seen) - The botanical highlight of the year is in trouble, unless Minnie and Daisy can get their flowers to bloom! Together, they board the glove balloon to help coax the clouds to sprinkle much needed rain.
- Daisy’s Dance -Clap your hands and tap your feet! Join Daisy, as she gets ready for one of the most important events of her life––performing in the big talent show!
- Daisy’s Pet Project - The Pet Parade is almost here and Daisy needs to find the perfect animal for which she can love and care. But it’s not as easy as she thinks and soon she has three new friends: an elephant named Bubbles, a giraffe called Longfellow and a bunny called Captain Jumps-a-lot.
- Minnie’s Rainbow - After a brightly colored rainbow appears over the clubhouse, Minnie searches for the pot of gold that’s supposed to be at its end. Along the way, she meets a leprechaun and discovers that not all treasure turns out to be as she expected!
- Minnie’s Birthday – Today is Minnie’s birthday, but the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse friends need to set up her birthday party.
Voice Talent:
- MICKEY MOUSE - Wayne Allwine (TV’s “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse,” & “House of Mouse”)
- MINNIE MOUSE - Russi Taylor (TV’s “Jake and the Never Land Pirates,” & “The Simpsons”)
- DAISY DUCK - Tress MacNeille (TV’s “Futurama,” and “The Simpsons”)
- DONALD DUCK - Tony Anselmo (Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Fantasia/2000)
- GOOFY - Bill Farmer (Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Monsters, Inc.)
- PLUTO - he doesn’t speak
My Take on the DVD
This was a great collection of great Minnie Videos! If you are a fan of this iconic mouse, you will truly love this collection. My daughters had a blast watching not only Minnie, but the whole gang. The episodes were very fun and my daughters have now asked me to watch the show two more times (go figure). All-in-all this was a fun collection that any Disney lover would love!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Residing quietly beneath the floorboards are little people who live undetected in a secret world to be discovered, where the smallest may stand tallest of all. From the legendary Studio Ghibli (“Spirited Away,” “Ponyo”) comes “The Secret World of Arrietty,” an animated adventure based on Mary Norton’s acclaimed children’s book series “The Borrowers.”
Arrietty (voice of Bridgit Mendler), a tiny, but tenacious 14-year-old, lives with her parents (voices of Will Arnett and Amy Poehler) in the recesses of a suburban garden home, unbeknownst to the homeowner and her housekeeper (voice of Carol Burnett). Like all little people, Arrietty (AIR-ee-ett-ee) remains hidden from view, except during occasional covert ventures beyond the floorboards to “borrow” scrap supplies like sugar cubes from her human hosts. But when 12-year-old Shawn (voice of David Henrie), a human boy who comes to stay in the home, discovers his mysterious housemate one evening, a secret friendship blossoms. If discovered, their relationship could drive Arrietty’s family from the home and straight into danger. The English language version of “The Secret World of Arrietty” was executive produced by Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall, and directed by Gary Rydstrom. The film hits theaters Feb. 17, 2012.
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Blu-Ray Review - Treasure Buddies
About the Blu-ray
Disney releases Treasure Buddies on BD/DVD Combo Pack. In celebration of the release, please feel free to post these crafts & activities including a one-of-a-kind potato stamp (FUN!), new clips, the slideshow and recipes, all of which are sure to be a delight!!
DMR Coupon (photo above, expires 2/5/12): http://www.disneymovierewards.go.com/promotions/special-offers/treasurebudcoupon
"Budderball's Mirage"
"Budderball on Bugs"
"Sneak Peek Clip"
"Finding Cammy's Tribe"
"Hot Air Balloon"
"Mudbud Crosses Quicksand" (NEW!)
"Cleocatra's Tomb" (NEW!)
On January 31, 2012, The Walt Disney Studios proudly unleashes Treasure Buddies, an all-new live action feature for the whole family on Blu-ray™, DVD and Digital. The 6th film in the Buddies franchise stars everyone’s favorite talking canine superstars Rosebud, B-Dawg, Budderball, Buddha and Mudbud, as the pup pack journeys to mysterious Egypt in search of the greatest treasure known to animalkind, the legendary Cat’s Eye jewel, from the lost treasure of Cleocatra! Danger lurks around every secret sphinx, cryptic crypt and puzzling pyramid as Ubasti, a devious cat, schemes to possess the mystical jewel and use its powerful energy to rid the planet of all dogs! With help from new lovable friends Cammy, a baby camel - and a mischievous monkey named Babi - the gang and their new friends avoid booby traps, solve puzzles and explore a mysterious tomb in their most exciting and challenging adventure yet.
Treasure Buddies tail wagging adventure debuts across North America as an all-new 2-Disc Blu-ray™ Combo Pack (Blu-ray + DVD), 1-Disc DVD and Standard Definition and High Definition Digital on January 31, 2012.
Bonus Features:
Disc Specifications:
Street Date: January 31, 2012
Direct Prebook: December 6, 2011
Distributor Prebook: December 20, 2011
Suggested Retail Prices: 2-Disc Blu-ray Combo Pack = $39.99 U.S./$46.99 Canada
1-Disc DVD = $29.99 U.S./$35.99 Canada
High Definition Digital = $39.99 U.S./$46.99 Canada
Standard Definition Digital = $29.99 U.S /$35.99 Canada
Feature Run Time: Approximately 93 minutes
Rating: G in U.S. and Canada (Bonus material not rated)
Technical: Blu-ray: 1080p High Definition 1:78.1
DVD: 1.78:1
Sound: Blu-ray: English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, French and Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital
DVD: English, French and Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital
Subtitles: Blu-ray: English SDH, French and Spanish
DVD: English SDH, French and Spanish
Social Media
Stay connected with the latest news and information on Treasure Buddies.
My Take on the Movie
This was another great addition to the Treasure Buddy movies. This one again fronds the dogs getting themselves in a lot of trouble, while at the same time having a lot of fun as well. My girls watched this movie and truly enjoyed the film, not only because of the superior quality of the recording itself, but more so because of the plot and characters, as they found the dogs to be both lovable and funny. This is definitely a family movie at heart and even if you have never seen one of the Treasure Buddy movies in the past you will still love this film!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Disney releases Treasure Buddies on BD/DVD Combo Pack. In celebration of the release, please feel free to post these crafts & activities including a one-of-a-kind potato stamp (FUN!), new clips, the slideshow and recipes, all of which are sure to be a delight!!
DMR Coupon (photo above, expires 2/5/12): http://www.disneymovierewards.go.com/promotions/special-offers/treasurebudcoupon
"Budderball's Mirage"
"Budderball on Bugs"
"Sneak Peek Clip"
"Finding Cammy's Tribe"
"Hot Air Balloon"
"Mudbud Crosses Quicksand" (NEW!)
"Cleocatra's Tomb" (NEW!)
On January 31, 2012, The Walt Disney Studios proudly unleashes Treasure Buddies, an all-new live action feature for the whole family on Blu-ray™, DVD and Digital. The 6th film in the Buddies franchise stars everyone’s favorite talking canine superstars Rosebud, B-Dawg, Budderball, Buddha and Mudbud, as the pup pack journeys to mysterious Egypt in search of the greatest treasure known to animalkind, the legendary Cat’s Eye jewel, from the lost treasure of Cleocatra! Danger lurks around every secret sphinx, cryptic crypt and puzzling pyramid as Ubasti, a devious cat, schemes to possess the mystical jewel and use its powerful energy to rid the planet of all dogs! With help from new lovable friends Cammy, a baby camel - and a mischievous monkey named Babi - the gang and their new friends avoid booby traps, solve puzzles and explore a mysterious tomb in their most exciting and challenging adventure yet.
Treasure Buddies tail wagging adventure debuts across North America as an all-new 2-Disc Blu-ray™ Combo Pack (Blu-ray + DVD), 1-Disc DVD and Standard Definition and High Definition Digital on January 31, 2012.
Bonus Features:
- DIGS: B-Dawg Edition – In this fun bonus feature, B-Dawg the hip hop happening pup gives a tour of his home to kid reporter G.
- “Roam” Music Video – A re-make of The B-52s song performed by Caroline Sunshine, Kenton Duty and Adam Irigoyen from the cast of the Disney Channel hit series “Shake it Up.”
Disc Specifications:
Street Date: January 31, 2012
Direct Prebook: December 6, 2011
Distributor Prebook: December 20, 2011
Suggested Retail Prices: 2-Disc Blu-ray Combo Pack = $39.99 U.S./$46.99 Canada
1-Disc DVD = $29.99 U.S./$35.99 Canada
High Definition Digital = $39.99 U.S./$46.99 Canada
Standard Definition Digital = $29.99 U.S /$35.99 Canada
Feature Run Time: Approximately 93 minutes
Rating: G in U.S. and Canada (Bonus material not rated)
Technical: Blu-ray: 1080p High Definition 1:78.1
DVD: 1.78:1
Sound: Blu-ray: English 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio, French and Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital
DVD: English, French and Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital
Subtitles: Blu-ray: English SDH, French and Spanish
DVD: English SDH, French and Spanish
Social Media
Stay connected with the latest news and information on Treasure Buddies.
- “Like” us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TheDisneyBuddies
- View exciting trailers, games, video clips and more at www.disney.com/TreasureBuddies
My Take on the Movie
This was another great addition to the Treasure Buddy movies. This one again fronds the dogs getting themselves in a lot of trouble, while at the same time having a lot of fun as well. My girls watched this movie and truly enjoyed the film, not only because of the superior quality of the recording itself, but more so because of the plot and characters, as they found the dogs to be both lovable and funny. This is definitely a family movie at heart and even if you have never seen one of the Treasure Buddy movies in the past you will still love this film!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Linwoods Super Foods Add a Healthy Twist to Meals
While holiday food can be comforting, deliciously rich, and nostalgic, it is often not the healthiest and most nutritious fare. This season, add some nutritional value to mashed potatoes, soup, salad, ice cream, or just about anything with Linwoods Super Foods (www.linwoodshealthfoods.com).
Ground flaxseed, along with numerous other ground seeds and berries, integrate seamlessly into home-cooked meals and add a bit of texture to traditional desserts. Boasting high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, and iron along with a low glycemic index, Linwoods Super Foods make filling nutritional gaps effortless.
Listed as one of the world’s healthiest foods, flax seeds are often consumed ground instead of whole in order to enhance the body’s nutrient absorption*. Just 4 tablespoons of Linwoods Super Foods a day is all it takes to receive the maximum health benefits.
Linwoods Super Foods come in 6 irresistible varieties:
My Take on the Product
I am always looking for ways to get healthy and flax seed is something that I continually hear about as being great for you. I loved the fact that you could easily spread a small amount and get a large nutritional benefit. It was so easy to use this and it tasted great! If you are looking for a great nutritional supplement that is full of great things, you should definitely check out Linwoods!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Ground flaxseed, along with numerous other ground seeds and berries, integrate seamlessly into home-cooked meals and add a bit of texture to traditional desserts. Boasting high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, and iron along with a low glycemic index, Linwoods Super Foods make filling nutritional gaps effortless.
Listed as one of the world’s healthiest foods, flax seeds are often consumed ground instead of whole in order to enhance the body’s nutrient absorption*. Just 4 tablespoons of Linwoods Super Foods a day is all it takes to receive the maximum health benefits.
Linwoods Super Foods come in 6 irresistible varieties:
- Ground Organic Flaxseed
- Ground Flaxseed, Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Almonds and Q10
- Ground Flaxseed, Sunflower, Pumpkin, and Sesame Seeds and Goji Berries
- Ground Flaxseed and Goji Berries
- Ground Flaxseed, Cocoa, Strawberries and Blueberries
- Ground Organic Flaxseed, Sunflower and Pumpkin Seeds
Linwoods Super Foods can also be added to morning cereals, yogurt, or oatmeal. Starting the day with a balanced breakfast full of nutrients helps increase metabolism for the day and aids in avoiding over-eating at holiday gatherings. As a secret weapon against holiday weight-gain and a healthy addition to any meal, Linwoods Super Foods are likely to become a staple in everyday diets well after the welcoming of 2012.
About Linwoods
Based in Northern Ireland and established in 1965, Linwoods is a family owned company that manufactures a range of Premium Bakery, Fresh Dairy and Healthy Super Foods. Linwoods products are sourced in their raw form from around the world and are selected from the best suppliers and growers to ensure the highest quality and standards. All ingredients are natural, organic and turn any meal at any time of the day in to a nutritious, healthy meal bursting with essential fatty acids, protein, iron, calcium, magnesium and essential vitamins and minerals. Linwoods Super Foods products are found in supermarkets and specialty food stores on the West Coast such as Gelsons and Wholefoods. Your Link to Good Food. Visit www.linwoodshealthfoods.com for extended company history, health benefits and product descriptions.
My Take on the Product
I am always looking for ways to get healthy and flax seed is something that I continually hear about as being great for you. I loved the fact that you could easily spread a small amount and get a large nutritional benefit. It was so easy to use this and it tasted great! If you are looking for a great nutritional supplement that is full of great things, you should definitely check out Linwoods!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Fuller Brush Company - Clothes Dryer Vent Brush
About the Product
Unique brush design reaches completely into vent to remove lint! Flexible wire allows reach to all areas of vent. Soft, resilient polyester bristles remove lint, but won’t scratch surface. Vinyl tip on end of wire prevents scratching. Also works great to clean dirt and lint from under dryer. Durable 5-1/2" plastic handle with hang-up hole. 27-1/2" overall length. 12-3/4" brush face.
My Take on the Product
I don't know about you, but I always have a hard time cleaning out my dryer vent as the front does not come off so I am usually have to use a bent up clothes hanger to see what I can do to get out any lint that has built up. No longer now! When I was sent this brush I was so impressed with how flexible and agile it is as it makes cleaning a dryer vent so much easier and manageable. I have to say that if you have a dryer, this is a must have for your home, it is something I wish that I had known about so much sooner!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Unique brush design reaches completely into vent to remove lint! Flexible wire allows reach to all areas of vent. Soft, resilient polyester bristles remove lint, but won’t scratch surface. Vinyl tip on end of wire prevents scratching. Also works great to clean dirt and lint from under dryer. Durable 5-1/2" plastic handle with hang-up hole. 27-1/2" overall length. 12-3/4" brush face.
My Take on the Product
I don't know about you, but I always have a hard time cleaning out my dryer vent as the front does not come off so I am usually have to use a bent up clothes hanger to see what I can do to get out any lint that has built up. No longer now! When I was sent this brush I was so impressed with how flexible and agile it is as it makes cleaning a dryer vent so much easier and manageable. I have to say that if you have a dryer, this is a must have for your home, it is something I wish that I had known about so much sooner!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Blu-Ray Review - The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall
About the Movie
Broadway’s longest-running production of all time celebrates a triumphant quarter century on stage with The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall, coming to Blu-rayTM – with perfect hi-def picture and perfect hi-def sound- DVD, On Demand and Digital Download on February 7, 2012 from Universal Studios Home Entertainment. On October 2, 2011, composer Andrew Lloyd Webber and producer Cameron Mackintosh marked the 25th anniversary of their beloved musical extravaganza, “The Phantom of the Opera,” with a lavishly staged production at London’s legendary Royal Albert Hall that was beamed live via satellite to cinemas across the globe. The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall marks the first time a live performance of the blockbuster musical has been made available for home viewing, making it a must-have anniversary release for fans everywhere.
The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall stars Ramin Karimloo (2011 Olivier Award nominee for Best Actor in a Musical for “Love Never Dies”) as the lovestruck Phantom and Sierra Boggess (2011 Olivier Award nominee for Best Actress in a Musical for “Love Never Dies”) as the beautiful and gifted soprano Christine. The show also features Barry James, Gareth Snook, Liz Robertson and Wynne Evans, as well as special guest appearances from the actors who originated the roles of The Phantom and Christine, Tony® Award winner Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman, in a memorable final curtain call.
“Phantom” aficionados will also be thrilled to know that “Love Never Dies,” Andrew Lloyd Webber’s spectacular follow-up musical will also arrive on Blu-rayTM and DVD for the first time on May 29. With lush visuals and a mesmerizing score that rivals the original in power and beauty, this live production of “Love Never Dies” finds Christine and the Phantom reunited in turn-of-the-century New York City after a decade apart.
“The Phantom of the Opera” premiered at Her Majesty's Theatre in London on October 9, 1986. It has won more than 60 major theatre awards, including seven Tony® Awards and three Olivier Awards, and became the longest-running show in Broadway history on January 9, 2006 when it celebrated its 7,486th performance. “The Phantom of the Opera” has grossed over $5.6 billion worldwide and been seen in 145 cities in 27 countries. Live productions of “The Phantom of the Opera” are currently playing in London, New York, Budapest, Las Vegas and Kyoto.
Lurking beneath the glamor and spectacle of the Paris Opera House, the horribly disfigured Phantom, once a promising musician, now terrorizes the opera company. Shamed by his physical appearance and feared by all, the Phantom is drawn to the beautiful ingénue Christine Daaé and begins coaching her secretly, as a tragic romance unfolds between the unlikely pair. This dazzling live restaging of the original production recreates the jaw-dropping scenery and breathtaking special effects of the original, set to Andrew Lloyd Webber’s haunting score.
The year is 1907. It is 10 years after the Phantom’s disappearance from the Paris Opera House. He has escaped to a new life in New York where he lives amongst the screaming joy rides and freak-shows of Coney Island. In this new electrically-charged world, he has finally found a place for his music to soar. All that is missing is his love - Christine Daaé. Now one of the world’s finest sopranos, Christine is struggling in an ailing marriage to Raoul. So, it is with excitement she accepts an invitation to travel to New York and perform at a renowned opera house. In a final bid to win back her love, the Phantom lures Christine, her husband, and their young son Gustave from Manhattan, to the glittering and glorious world of Coney Island… not knowing what is in store for them.
Cast: Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess, Hadley Fraser, Barry James, Wendy Ferguson, Gareth Snook, Liz Robertson, Wynne Evans, Sergei Polunin
Producer: Cameron Mackintosh
Music by: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Lyrics by: Charles Hart
Book by: Richard Stilgoe and Andrew Lloyd Webber
Based on the novel: Le Fantôme de L'Opéra by Gaston Leroux
Additional lyrics by: Richard Stilgoe
Film Directed by: Nick Morris
Stage Production Directed by: Laurence Connor based on the original London Production directed by Hal Prince
Musical Staging and Choreography: Gillian Lynne
Lighting: Patrick Woodroffe and Andrew Bridge
Sound: Mick Potter
Set Design: Matt Kinley, inspired by Maria Björnson’s original design for the stage
Cast: Ben Lewis, Anna O’Byrne, Maria Mercedes, Simon Gleeson, Sharon Millerchip, Emma J Hawkins, Paul Tabone, Dean Vince
Composer: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Lyrics and Book: Glenn Slater
Book: Ben Elton, Frederick Forsyth
Additional Lyrics: Charles Hart
Director: Simon Phillips
Choreographer: Graeme Murphy AM
Set and Costume Designer: Gabriela Tylesova
Lighting Designer: Nick Schlieper
Musical Supervisor: Guy Simpson
My Take on the Movie
This was a great collection on one Blu-ray/DVD. I had seen the Phantom at the Fox Theater in Detroit when it first came out many years ago and have been a fan ever since. Now, I have a new generation in my own family which I would like to share this with. My daughters are both starting to enjoy the music, sights and sounds of broadway and I am so excited to share with them some of the amazing performances that are in store for them if they so choose to take them in. This Blu-Ray provided me a great way to share another great musical with them form the comfort of my own home. My girls simply loved the music and the performance. I was impressed to see how well done the Blu-ray was and the sights and sounds were not lost on the video itself so it was like I was sitting in the audience. All-in-all, if you are a fan of musical or simply the Phantom of the Opera, this is definitely a must have for your collection!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Broadway’s longest-running production of all time celebrates a triumphant quarter century on stage with The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall, coming to Blu-rayTM – with perfect hi-def picture and perfect hi-def sound- DVD, On Demand and Digital Download on February 7, 2012 from Universal Studios Home Entertainment. On October 2, 2011, composer Andrew Lloyd Webber and producer Cameron Mackintosh marked the 25th anniversary of their beloved musical extravaganza, “The Phantom of the Opera,” with a lavishly staged production at London’s legendary Royal Albert Hall that was beamed live via satellite to cinemas across the globe. The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall marks the first time a live performance of the blockbuster musical has been made available for home viewing, making it a must-have anniversary release for fans everywhere.
The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall stars Ramin Karimloo (2011 Olivier Award nominee for Best Actor in a Musical for “Love Never Dies”) as the lovestruck Phantom and Sierra Boggess (2011 Olivier Award nominee for Best Actress in a Musical for “Love Never Dies”) as the beautiful and gifted soprano Christine. The show also features Barry James, Gareth Snook, Liz Robertson and Wynne Evans, as well as special guest appearances from the actors who originated the roles of The Phantom and Christine, Tony® Award winner Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman, in a memorable final curtain call.
“Phantom” aficionados will also be thrilled to know that “Love Never Dies,” Andrew Lloyd Webber’s spectacular follow-up musical will also arrive on Blu-rayTM and DVD for the first time on May 29. With lush visuals and a mesmerizing score that rivals the original in power and beauty, this live production of “Love Never Dies” finds Christine and the Phantom reunited in turn-of-the-century New York City after a decade apart.
“The Phantom of the Opera” premiered at Her Majesty's Theatre in London on October 9, 1986. It has won more than 60 major theatre awards, including seven Tony® Awards and three Olivier Awards, and became the longest-running show in Broadway history on January 9, 2006 when it celebrated its 7,486th performance. “The Phantom of the Opera” has grossed over $5.6 billion worldwide and been seen in 145 cities in 27 countries. Live productions of “The Phantom of the Opera” are currently playing in London, New York, Budapest, Las Vegas and Kyoto.
- The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall
- “Getting Past the Point of No Return:” A behind-the-scenes “Making Of” feature starring the cast and crew.
- Love Never Dies
- “Making Of” Featurette: Take a look behind the scenes at Andrew Lloyd Webber’s breathtaking sequel.
Lurking beneath the glamor and spectacle of the Paris Opera House, the horribly disfigured Phantom, once a promising musician, now terrorizes the opera company. Shamed by his physical appearance and feared by all, the Phantom is drawn to the beautiful ingénue Christine Daaé and begins coaching her secretly, as a tragic romance unfolds between the unlikely pair. This dazzling live restaging of the original production recreates the jaw-dropping scenery and breathtaking special effects of the original, set to Andrew Lloyd Webber’s haunting score.
The year is 1907. It is 10 years after the Phantom’s disappearance from the Paris Opera House. He has escaped to a new life in New York where he lives amongst the screaming joy rides and freak-shows of Coney Island. In this new electrically-charged world, he has finally found a place for his music to soar. All that is missing is his love - Christine Daaé. Now one of the world’s finest sopranos, Christine is struggling in an ailing marriage to Raoul. So, it is with excitement she accepts an invitation to travel to New York and perform at a renowned opera house. In a final bid to win back her love, the Phantom lures Christine, her husband, and their young son Gustave from Manhattan, to the glittering and glorious world of Coney Island… not knowing what is in store for them.
Cast: Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess, Hadley Fraser, Barry James, Wendy Ferguson, Gareth Snook, Liz Robertson, Wynne Evans, Sergei Polunin
Producer: Cameron Mackintosh
Music by: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Lyrics by: Charles Hart
Book by: Richard Stilgoe and Andrew Lloyd Webber
Based on the novel: Le Fantôme de L'Opéra by Gaston Leroux
Additional lyrics by: Richard Stilgoe
Film Directed by: Nick Morris
Stage Production Directed by: Laurence Connor based on the original London Production directed by Hal Prince
Musical Staging and Choreography: Gillian Lynne
Lighting: Patrick Woodroffe and Andrew Bridge
Sound: Mick Potter
Set Design: Matt Kinley, inspired by Maria Björnson’s original design for the stage
Cast: Ben Lewis, Anna O’Byrne, Maria Mercedes, Simon Gleeson, Sharon Millerchip, Emma J Hawkins, Paul Tabone, Dean Vince
Composer: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Lyrics and Book: Glenn Slater
Book: Ben Elton, Frederick Forsyth
Additional Lyrics: Charles Hart
Director: Simon Phillips
Choreographer: Graeme Murphy AM
Set and Costume Designer: Gabriela Tylesova
Lighting Designer: Nick Schlieper
Musical Supervisor: Guy Simpson
My Take on the Movie
This was a great collection on one Blu-ray/DVD. I had seen the Phantom at the Fox Theater in Detroit when it first came out many years ago and have been a fan ever since. Now, I have a new generation in my own family which I would like to share this with. My daughters are both starting to enjoy the music, sights and sounds of broadway and I am so excited to share with them some of the amazing performances that are in store for them if they so choose to take them in. This Blu-Ray provided me a great way to share another great musical with them form the comfort of my own home. My girls simply loved the music and the performance. I was impressed to see how well done the Blu-ray was and the sights and sounds were not lost on the video itself so it was like I was sitting in the audience. All-in-all, if you are a fan of musical or simply the Phantom of the Opera, this is definitely a must have for your collection!
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Book Review - Where on Earth Am I?
About the Book
Unlike any other book out there...it's a book, activities, coloring pages, a year-long journal, a keepsake, and more - ALL IN ONE. With its unique double-sided design, it gives parents an easy way to connect with their kids, all while having a blast sharing fun facts about each other (like what 3 people they'd choose to run a relay race!)
On one side, you'll find "Where on Earth Am I?" an interactive story about Fassa, a cat who sees the world from a unique purrrspective. Along with the story, this side has plot twists, easy-to-do activities, coloring pages, a hidden picture search, a fun quiz, and more! On the flipside, you'll find "Fassa's 52 Weeks of Fun" - an easy, silly way for children to express and share things about themselves throughout a year in their life. Along with 52 prompted journal entries, each week also features a kid-friendly quote,a word definition from "Where on Earth Am I", and a hilarious joke your child will love to tell.
My Take on the Book
This book has two parts. One half is a story about Fassa, the cat, and his eventual adoption by a human. This half has the story which the child and family read together and following the story are all kinds of activities to do relating to what happened in the story. It is a section dedicated to relating your own discoveries and feelings about events. There are lots of questions to answer and lots of good discussion questions for the entire family.
The other half, flip the book around, is totally different. Each page is an activity page that focuses on the child who is writing in the book. For example they write their name , attach their picture, write in their height and weight, foot measurement, etc. Each page has a joke, word with its definition , quote by a famous person, and then an activity at the bottom of the page.
A child that enjoys writing and working in activity books about "him or her" would find this a worthy way to spend free time. It looks like fun to me!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Unlike any other book out there...it's a book, activities, coloring pages, a year-long journal, a keepsake, and more - ALL IN ONE. With its unique double-sided design, it gives parents an easy way to connect with their kids, all while having a blast sharing fun facts about each other (like what 3 people they'd choose to run a relay race!)
On one side, you'll find "Where on Earth Am I?" an interactive story about Fassa, a cat who sees the world from a unique purrrspective. Along with the story, this side has plot twists, easy-to-do activities, coloring pages, a hidden picture search, a fun quiz, and more! On the flipside, you'll find "Fassa's 52 Weeks of Fun" - an easy, silly way for children to express and share things about themselves throughout a year in their life. Along with 52 prompted journal entries, each week also features a kid-friendly quote,a word definition from "Where on Earth Am I", and a hilarious joke your child will love to tell.
My Take on the Book
This book has two parts. One half is a story about Fassa, the cat, and his eventual adoption by a human. This half has the story which the child and family read together and following the story are all kinds of activities to do relating to what happened in the story. It is a section dedicated to relating your own discoveries and feelings about events. There are lots of questions to answer and lots of good discussion questions for the entire family.
The other half, flip the book around, is totally different. Each page is an activity page that focuses on the child who is writing in the book. For example they write their name , attach their picture, write in their height and weight, foot measurement, etc. Each page has a joke, word with its definition , quote by a famous person, and then an activity at the bottom of the page.
A child that enjoys writing and working in activity books about "him or her" would find this a worthy way to spend free time. It looks like fun to me!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Book Review - Goosebumps Hall of Horrors #6: The Birthday Party of No Return
About the Book
Welcome to the Hall of Horrors, HorrorLand's Hall of Fame for the truly terrifying.
Lee Hargrove wishes he could be lucky like his friend Cory Duckworth. Cory has to be the luckiest kid on the planet. Even Laura Groden, the girl Lee has a crush on, prefers to hang out with Cory. All Lee wants in life is to get a scholarship to Summer Sports Camp. But there's only one scholarship from his school and he's competing against Cory and Laura. Then Lee receives a good luck charm in the mail. It's a vulture's claw and Lee's life seems to change immediately. Until bad things start to happen. The vulture's claw is bringing really bad luck. Lee tries to give it to Cory as a birthday present but Cory already has one of his own. When both boys' luck take a turn for the worse, Laura wins the scholarship and admits to sending the bad luck charms to both boys.
About the Author
R.L. Stine's books have sold more than 300 million copies, making him one of the most popular children's authors in history. Besides Goosebumps, R.L. Stine has written series including: Fear Street, Rotten School, Mostly Ghostly, The Nightmare Room, and Dangerous Girls. R.L. Stine lives in New York with his wife, Jane, and his King Charles spaniel, Minnie. www.RLStine.com.
My Take on the Book
This was a great addition to the Goosebumps series. If you like to have a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat and at the same time send a chill up your spine this is definitely one to read. As a father of a girl who loves these books, I gave this book to my eldest daughter and I have to say that I was amazed to see how quickly she devoured the book. Usually she will dabble and move from one book to another, but this was one book that she did not want to put down. When I picked it up I saw why. The book was well written with a plot that captured your attention and kept you engaged form beginning to end. This was a great book and one that I would highly recommend.
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Welcome to the Hall of Horrors, HorrorLand's Hall of Fame for the truly terrifying.
Lee Hargrove wishes he could be lucky like his friend Cory Duckworth. Cory has to be the luckiest kid on the planet. Even Laura Groden, the girl Lee has a crush on, prefers to hang out with Cory. All Lee wants in life is to get a scholarship to Summer Sports Camp. But there's only one scholarship from his school and he's competing against Cory and Laura. Then Lee receives a good luck charm in the mail. It's a vulture's claw and Lee's life seems to change immediately. Until bad things start to happen. The vulture's claw is bringing really bad luck. Lee tries to give it to Cory as a birthday present but Cory already has one of his own. When both boys' luck take a turn for the worse, Laura wins the scholarship and admits to sending the bad luck charms to both boys.
About the Author
R.L. Stine's books have sold more than 300 million copies, making him one of the most popular children's authors in history. Besides Goosebumps, R.L. Stine has written series including: Fear Street, Rotten School, Mostly Ghostly, The Nightmare Room, and Dangerous Girls. R.L. Stine lives in New York with his wife, Jane, and his King Charles spaniel, Minnie. www.RLStine.com.
My Take on the Book
This was a great addition to the Goosebumps series. If you like to have a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat and at the same time send a chill up your spine this is definitely one to read. As a father of a girl who loves these books, I gave this book to my eldest daughter and I have to say that I was amazed to see how quickly she devoured the book. Usually she will dabble and move from one book to another, but this was one book that she did not want to put down. When I picked it up I saw why. The book was well written with a plot that captured your attention and kept you engaged form beginning to end. This was a great book and one that I would highly recommend.
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Book Review - Girl Talk: 180 Q&A (for Life's Ups, Downs, and In-Betweens)
About the Book
Popular blogging trio—mother, Nicole O’Dell, along with daughters Emily and Natalie—offer trustworthy, biblically-based advice in Girl Talk. Due to release February 2012, Girl Talk is a sure winner for girls ages 10 to 16.
Culled from actual questions they have encountered on their blog site, this fabulous resource offers real-life help for girls on issues including relationships, character, body image, fashion, gossip, and more. Girls will find 180 questions along with answers and related scripture selections that will both encourage and challenge them in their faith walk. Girl Talk, presented in a trendy format that reads like a magazine, is a super tool for girls’ small groups or for individual use.
About the Author
Nicole O’Dell and her husband, Wil, have six children ranging from 19 down to the most recent additions: triplets, born in August 2008. Nicole writes fiction and nonfiction that’s focused on helping teens make good choices and bridging the gap in parent/teen communication. Nicole is also the host of Teen Talk Radio at www.choicesradio.com, where she talks with teens and special guests about the real issues young people face today, and she loves getting out among teens and parents when speaking at youth groups and conferences. Over the years, Nicole has worked as a youth director, a Bible study leader for women and teens, and a counselor at a crisis pregnancy center. Her writing also includes devotionals and Bible studies for women of all ages. Learn more about Nicole by visiting www.nicoleodell.com.
My Take on the Book
As a father of two girls this book is a great resource that I know my girls will enjoy as they get older. It is filled with so many valuable resources and questions and answers from real girls about real issues that are important to them. Whet I loved about the book was that it is written not only from the author Nicole O'Dell's point of view but that she incorporates her own daughter's thoughts as well and when you are reading the answers, you can clearly identify which voice is from whom. This is a must have book for any tween girl or their parent!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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Blu-Ray Review - Lady and the Tramp
A classic love story unfolds in the best Disney tradition as a lovely young pedigreed
cocker spaniel named Lady, who lives a pampered life, finds herself falling romantically
for Tramp, an amorous street-smart pooch without prospects. Although they have fun
together on several dates, including a sentimental spaghetti dinner by moonlight at
Tony’s restaurant, their relationship is strained not only by Lady’s loyalty to her human
family and their newborn baby, but by Tramp’s devil-may-care attitude that eventually
gets Lady in trouble and tossed into the dog pound. However, good-hearted Tramp
redeems himself by saving the baby from potential harm and thus wins Lady’s love and
the affection of her human family.
Share this timeless Disney Classic with your family as Walt Disney’s beloved classic, Lady and the Tramp, finally releases from the Disney Vault for the first time ever on Blu-ray. This heartwarming tale now charms a new generation of families and fans with its exquisite animation and unforgettable songs in one of the greatest love stories of all time. Featuring high definition sound and immersive bonus features your family
can enjoy together, Lady and the Tramp Diamond Edition is a must own addition to your Disney collection.
Voice Talent:
- Barbara Luddy (Sleeping Beauty, 101 Dalmatians) as Lady
- Larry Roberts (Theatre background with Circle Theatre in Los Angeles) as Tramp
- Peggy Lee (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, American Beauty) as Darling, Si, Am and Peg
- Bill Thompson (Peter Pan, Alice In Wonderland) as Jock, Joe, Bulldog, Dachsie and the Policeman
- Bill Baucom (TV’s “The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp,” Judge Roy Bean) as Trusty
- Stan Freberg (Stuart Little, Looney Tunes: Back In Action) as Beaver
- Lee Millar (TV’s “I Love Lucy,” The George and Gracie Allen Show) as Jim Dear & the Dogcatcher
Producer: Walt Disney
Directors: Clyde Geronimi (Alice In Wonderland, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty); Wilfred Jackson (Snow White, Pinocchio, Dumbo); Hamilton Luske (Alice In Wonderland, Cinderella, Pinocchio)
Blu-ray Bonus:
- Disney Second Screen: Inside Walt’s Story Meetings*
- Audio Commentary: Inside Walt’s Story Meetings
- Diane Disney Miller: Remembering Dad
- Three Never-Before-Seen Deleted Scenes
- Never Recorded Song: “I’m Free as the Breeze”
Classic DVD Bonus:
- Lady’s Pedigree: The Making of Lady and the Tramp
- Finding Lady: The Art of the Storyboard
- Original 1943 Storyboard Version of the Film
- PuppyPedia: Going to the Dogs
- “The Siamese Cat Song,” Finding a Voice for the Cats
- “Bella Notte” Music Video
- Trailers
- Excerpts from “Disneyland” TV Shows
DVD Bonus: Diane Disney Miller: Remembering Dad
PuppyPedia: Going to the Dogs
Digital Bonus: Diane Disney Miller: Remembering Dad
Three Never-Before-Seen Deleted Scenes
PuppyPedia: Going to the Dogs
Street Dates: Blu-ray & High Definition Digital = February 7, 2012
(Direct Prebook: 12/13/11; Distributor Prebook: 12/27/11)
DVD & Standard Definition Digital= March 27, 2012
(Direct Prebook: 1/31/12; Distributor Prebook: 2/14/12)
Rated: G (bonus materials not rated)
"He's a Tramp"
"Siamese Cat Song"
"Bella Notte"
My Take on the Movie
I had not seen this movie in some time so when I got this sent to me I was excited to see it again and to share it for the first time with my girls. The Blu-ray version of this movie was just remarkable. The colors and sounds just jump off the screen and you get drawn into the true love story which is Lady and the Tramp. On top of a great story there is also some great music shared in this movie too which is a hidden gem within the film. With talent such as Peggy Lee you can see that Disney had the pulse on their audience in trying to draw in the younger crowds back in the day. All-in-all though, this is definitely a movie that you should add to your collection or reintroduce your family too, you will not be disappointed!
All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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