About the Product
The VinLuxe wine aerator distinguishes itself from all other aerators on the market because of it globally patented three-step aeration process. Each glass of wine poured through the VinLuxe goes through three separate aeration filters that introduces even more oxygen to the wine as well as filtering out any sediment. Available at Amazon
My Take on the Product
I will say that I am a fan of wine. I can't say that I am an expert when it comes to weine, but I do appreciate a good glass. In saying this, I have to state that over the years I have always heard that it is important to aerate your red wines, but I have not always done this. I ended up trying this with my mother who tends to have a glass of wine every night and we both tried a glass of red that had and had not been through the Vinluxe. I did not tell my mother which one was which, though I knew, and then I asked her to choose which tasted better. In the three times we tried this, she chose the wine that had gone through the Vinluxe. One of the things that I found interesting about this was that it worked instantly. Most aerators claim that you will have to decant the wine, let it sit for a while and then serve, whereas this is something that you can use right away and then serve, talk about saving time! So if you are looking for a aerator that not only works great, saves time and is completely modern in design, look no further than this.
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