A new service available this holiday season called: Hello Santa: http://santa.fm/hellosantaapp
The service is available starting today, and will be live all holiday season! It's called Hello Santa, and this year people around the world will be able to have real-time videos calls with Santa Claus from their webcams or iOS devices.
Through the magic of modern technology, and a lot of hard work by the Elves at the North Pole, children from around the world can have a real, live video call with Santa.
You can find the App at: http://santa.fm/hellosantaapp
Please use promo code "EVAN" for a free test call with Santa.
You can also use promo code "JOLLY" to get $5 off for your first call.
You can either schedule a call for a specific date/time, or tap the ‘Call Santa Now’ button to start a live video call with Santa instantly. Once the call is over, you can share your special moment with friends and family on Facebook & Twitter, or over email and SMS.
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