About the Book
Let's take a trip together to a home where folks take time to really listen and care for each other, to a family where the laughter is homemade, and to a place where every day is truly treated as a gift that has been given to each one of us.
My Take on the Book
GRANDMA'S YARN is based on a true Christmas event in Waneta Cotner Worstine's family. Waneta explains in her story how her family always created memories together through activities, projects, games, and more. Her grandparents were the center of the action when they were alive. Waneta's family encouraged her to write this beautiful story in memory of her grandparents and the story of her grandmother's yarn activity.
GRANDMA'S YARN could be the catalyst to inspire you to create family activities which will produce memories and traditions within your family. It is a heartwarming story about family love and the desire for all family members to connect. They did this through communicating with each other, laughing together, listening to each other, and the desire to build strong family relationships.
I believe you will enjoy this story and want to share it with your child.
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