About the Book
SPOOKIEST LIGHTHOUSES reveals the most haunted lighthouses in America. Paranormal activity ranges from the frequent smell of cigar smoke to piano music heard inside abandoned lighthouses where there is no piano or radio! Most of these historic sites are open to the public and some even offer ghost tours and investigations. In addition to the paranormal discussion, a brief history, photographs and detailed visitor information are included in every chapter.
Condemned prisoners were executed here…their anguished screams can still be heard at Execution Rocks Lighthouse (New York).
Thousands of Confederate soldiers died while imprisoned at Point Lookout Lighthouse (Maryland) during the Civil War. A paranormal investigation captured twenty-four different voices cursing, moaning, and saying things such as “Help!” and “Bad Shape!” on digital recorders.
When a keeper’s wife ran away with a local ferry captain, the keeper at New London Ledge Light (Connecticut) killed himself but many believe that his spirit is still here.
The paranormal activity at Port Boca Grande Light (Florida) involves a pirate and a princess.
…and much more!
Ghost enthusiasts will love reading about all the paranormal activity that has transpired and been well documented at these light stations. Lighthouse and architectural enthusiasts will appreciate reading about these marvelous monuments that include a Victorian mansion light station in the middle of the ocean, the biggest light station complex in the U.S., and the tallest lighthouse in Oregon, which is perched precariously on a rocky cliff 205’ above sea level.
My Take on the Book
This was a great detailed book that really brings you up close and personal with some of the spookiest lighthouses I have heard of. I have traveled to many lighthouses around the great lakes so I love reading stories about them and this book really allowed me to see the lighthouses from a whole new perspective. The book was well researched and documented. Each of the lighthouses were examined in depth and you leave with a much better understanding of the myriad of paranormal activity that has occurred within the examined locations which was so much fun. All-in-all this was a great book that any lighthouse or ghost enthusiast will love!
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