Things are dire for the inhabitants of Castle Gloom and the surrounding villages. The undead are leaving their graves in droves, a troll army is on the march from the north, and people are mysteriously disappearing from their homes. The people of Gehenna are blaming their misfortunes on Lilith Shadow, their young queen. They believe she has cursed them by using magic, a practice forbidden to women. With her trusty executioner among the missing and her blackguard soldiers busy battling trolls, it is up to Lily and her friend Thorn to root out the real cause of all the trouble. Their search will uncover ugly truths and eventually lead to a nightmarish confrontation with nothing less than the rulership of the realm at stake.
My Take on the Book
This was a great follow up to Shadow Magic. In that book my girls were completely drawn into the story and they loved the characters. In this book you get more of the same. I particularly loved the short chapters and the adventure that is ties in throughout the story. The story moves quickly but also is captivating which makes you feel compelled to read just that one additional page to see what happens next. There are heroes, villains and more and the main characters are ones that you can empathize with! This is a great story!

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