If you could quickly and effectively cure your child’s ear infection, moodiness, or frequent colds with food instead of drugs, which option would you choose? In WHAT’S EATING YOUR CHILD?
Refreshingly different from ordinary nutrition books, WHAT’S EATING YOUR CHILD?
The many ailments that can be improved through proper nutrition include:
- Aggression w Allergies w Anxiety w Bad breath w Behavioral issues w Bloating w Clumsiness w Colic
- Constipation w Depression w Developmental delays w Diarrhea w Ear infections w Eating disorders
- Failure to thrive w Frequent illness w Hives, rashes, and eczema w Hoarse voice w Insomnia w Joint pain
- Learning disabilities w Moodiness and temper tantrums w Night terrors w Over-tiredness w Seizures
- Sinus infections w Small stature w Speech delays w Tummy aches and vomiting
Kelly Dorfman, MS, LND is a leading nutritionist with twenty-nine years of clinical experience and a mother of three. Her specialty is developing nutrition and lifestyle strategies to address complex health problems from autism to bone loss to rare genetic disorders. Physicians and other medical professionals refer cases to her for insight when traditional methods do not attain optimal results.
15-city author book tour: http://bit.ly/mprjsj
Atlanta w Baltimore w Boulder/Denver w Chicago w Dallas w Grand Rapids w Milwaukee w New York w Phoenix w Portland w San Diego w Santa Barbara w San Francisco/Oakland w Seattle w Washington, DC
Author video: http://bit.ly/hEvrnX
Author website: www.kellydorfman.com
Book website: www.whatseatingyourchild.com
Kelly Dorfman Interview
My Take on the Book
This book takes complex information for parents and makes it simple. The author does an amazing job at helping parents understand what their child should be eating and how this good food and other foods impact the body. Though I think of myself as health conscious, I learned a lot in this book and I know that other parents will as well! The book was easy to read and to understand and I loved the fact that the author used real life examples within the book to solidify her points.
This is a perfect book for any parent or for anyone that works with, or has children around them in their life. You will learn so much by reading this book!
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