About the Book
The Captain Joe Series was designed as a tool for adults to teach children about constructive imagination. The four books are a fun and interactive way to introduce the concept of "Thoughts Turn into Things" (so choose the ones that make you happy) to young children, ages five to nine years. Joe and his thought-zapping superpower will invite children to use their imaginations to constructively choose thoughts that promote healthy self-esteem and self-awareness. Each picture story is designed to teach a key concept. Captain Joe's Gift is the third book in the series and teaches children about the importance of being authentic and believing in themselves. Children will discover what happens when Joe uses his 'thought zapping superpower' to reveal his special gift. Readers are encouraged to recognize and embrace their own unique traits. This story will leave children feeling confident and proud to share their own special gifts and abilities with the world. It's a great way to introduce discussions with children around anti-bullying and celebrating our differences.
My Take on the Book
How is your child special? What talents or gifts does your child have already? Does your child know how special they are and that there is no one else on Earth like them? Emily Madill's story will help you and your child to answer these questions in a discussion you can initiate after reading this story.
Your child,even a young child, displays talents. Maybe they are kind and compassionate. Maybe they are funny. Maybe they can build structures with blocks. Maybe they can ride their bike well or set the table.Look for those gifts no matter how small they may seem.
Make sure your child knows he/she has special qualities that make them unique.
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