About the Book
"Love, marriage, romance, singleness, sex – this is the thing that most young people are thinking about 24/7," says John Mark Comer. "It's all consuming for a lot of singles. And the Scriptures have so much to say about all of the above, but sadly the church has said so little. The church has done a great job of saying, "Don't have sex before you get married. Don't move in together. Don't, Don't, Don't...." And all that is true. But we haven't done a great job at giving young people a theology of love and marriage and sex and the rest."
Since the ultimate goal for Christian couples is marriage, Comer begins "Loveology" there, with a discussion about what marriage should and shouldn't be, based on the Genesis account of God's creation of marriage and sex. Then he works backward through all the steps along the way – relationships, love, sex, romance, singleness and masculinity and femininity. Comer helps readers understand how to successfully complete the journey from young adulthood – first embracing one's own sexuality and being content with singleness, to finding love that leads to the altar.
My Take on the Book
I loved how this book examined relationships from a biblical standpoint, but in saying this it does not chastise, nor look down on someone for the choices that they made. Instead they explore the biblical teachings and try and provide some context for what is shared in the bible and what it means as a Christian to be in a loving relationship with another.
The book was a great read, both engaging and enlightening and in the end I found that my eyes were opened and that there were a number of points that provided Ah-Ha moments for me in regards to finally putting together the pieces of why God wants us to live in certain ways.
The book is definitely one that will assist anyone going through a life transition, especially those younger in life, but even for those who may have been in committed relationships for years (there is something here for you too)!
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