Dad of Divas' Reviews: Book Review - Stuff Every Mom Should Know

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Book Review - Stuff Every Mom Should Know

About the Book
A Mother Should Trust Her Instincts

Or so they say. But when you’re not completely sure how to handle a parenting problem, Stuff Every Mom Should Know has the answers, including:

• How to Swaddle a Baby
• Fifteen Birthday-Party Survival Tips
• The Truth about Potty Training
• The Miracle of White Noise
• Comebacks for Unsolicited Parenting Advice

Plus tips for mastering quick and easy meals, suggestions for baby-proofing like an expert, advice on stocking your medicine cabinet, tricks to making a long wait fun, and much, much more.

My Take on the Book
This was a great book with so many great ideas that any mother will appreciate. I have read a number of these books in the past and this one does live up to the rest in the series! I shared this with my wife who is a great mother (in my opinion) and she stated that she truly enjoyed having this book now in her role as a mother and in fact, she stated that she wished that she had it before as there were many things that she came to learn in the past 7 years of being a mom, but much of her learned experience was self-taught. All-in-all this book and that are so hand-held and allows you to carry them in a purse or some other way to get the words and ideas out in front of the reader! I highly reconnedrd!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a real bookworm and love reading your book reviews. I was just wandering if you guys have heard of the radio show called 'The Book Report' which airs on Sundays. The times and chanel's are mentioned on the website : as well as previous recordings of the show where Elaine Charles interviews authors about themselves and the background of the research of the latest books which is generally not something I find on the book bloggs. I think book bloggs complement the radio show.