About the Book
Following on the heels of a successful abecedary, Countablock features thick pages cut into the shape of each numeral, creating a peek-through guessing game around the number form itself. One acorn becomes . . . one oak tree! From snowmen to puddles and eggs to chicks, quantities are illustrated twice: both before and after their “transformations.” As children interact with the pages, they will familiarize themselves not only with the numbers 1–100 and associated quantities, but with each numeral’s physicality—angles, holes, and curves, both front and back. Die-cut numerals include 1–10, and 20–100 by tens. Illustrated by hip British design team Peskimo, this fresh take on the 1-2-3s encourages readers to manipulate numbers in a whole new way.
My Take on the Book
This is a creative counting book. It goes the extra mile to make it fun to read and fun to count. It takes your child counting from 1 to 100 in very imaginative ways. You and your child will enjoy the book together. There were many pages that made me laugh because of the humor infused in the text. Such creative writing by this author.
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