Oh sure, we've all heard the story of Jonah and the Whale a hundred times. But have we heard it from the perspective of the whale who experienced that history-making event?
Hey God, I've Got Some Guy Named Jonah in My Stomach and I Think I'm Gonna Throw Up! imagines how that great sea creature from the incident might tell his side of the story, helping kids ages 4 to 8 discover a creative way of learning about that guy who was supposed to go to Ninevah.
The "Parent Connection" feature (inside the book) will help moms and dads take the story further with scripture references and tips on how to talk with their children about what really happened. Brought to you by B and H Kids, Available May 1, 2013.
My Take on the Book
This delightful story is a lighthearted spin on the favorite Bible story of Jonah and the whale . It is written from the whale's perspective.
It is a story of obedience to God. The whale had to keep Jonah in his stomach until God told him Jonah had learned to obey God .It is a story of prayer as Jonah prayed to God and learned that God wanted him to lead his people. Once Jonah learned this lesson, he was released from the stomach of the whale. Yes, the whale was happy to lose this human who gave him a stomach ache.
Troy Schmidt's version makes the well known Bible story come to life for children. I believe you will enjoy this story too as much as your child.
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