About the Book From the Authors' Perspective
The Cat’s Pajamas is an illustrated exploration of the etymology of a very common expression, or lingo, which is a great word in and of itself: He thinks he’s the cat’s pajamas! Or (you might say to that special someone), Baby, you’re the cat’s pajamas.
Seriously? The cat’s pajamas? That’s a good thing? Why? Is that something you’re sure you want to be? Who coined this expression? What was his or her intent? These are some of the things I think about when I hear words, especially words like these, words like the cat’s pajamas. And, as a lifelong fan of myth, of folk tales, of inventive storytelling, I assume that behind every crazy, unbelievable fiction there’s something that’s actually real, something that happened, someone who a long time ago and in a land far, far away, did something a lot like that something we imagine today as being purely fantastic, incredible, ridiculous.
I’ll just come right out and say it: I believe there was a time when cats wore pajamas.
How could there not have been? No one says, You’re the dog’s underpants,because dogs never wore underpants. But cats obviously wore pajamas. It’s as clear as day.
I have pictures that prove it. Prove may be too strong a word because, yes, I’ve drawn these pictures. And I continue to draw them. They’reinterpretive. They’re authentic reproductions from the imaginary historical record. Does that make them less true than, say, a fossil? Perhaps. Still, I am not an archeological paleontologist. I’m a novelist, one who likes to draw.
My Take on the Book
This was a fun book that really takes on a word/saying that gets thrown around that people really do not understand. I love how the author weaves this into a story and on top of this you get illustrations that are engaging and so much fun! My daughters really enjoyed reading this together and on top of a fun engaging story, you also get a story with a message about being different and making a difference, and it is these type of messages that are so important for all of us as parents to see and share with our kids. All-in-all this was a great book that is so much fun. I highly encourage all to share this with your own kids!

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