Dad of Divas' Reviews: Medifast - A Tasty Way to Lose Weight

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Medifast - A Tasty Way to Lose Weight

About the ProductDr. Wayne Anderson was a critical care physician working 80 hours a week in the intensive care unit scrambling to keep people alive, many from obesity-induced diseases. Lack of sleep and terrible eating habits soon caused his waistline to grow. He needed to change his eating habits and reach his optimal health. One way he did was by using Portion Controlled Meal Replacements (PCMRs) –(such as the Medifast shake)-a very safe and effective way to start loosing unhealthy pounds and move toward optimal health. 

About the Inventor
Dr. Wayne Andersen is author of “Dr. A’s Habits of Health” and currently Medical Director of Medifast, Inc., an innovative leader in the production, distribution and sale of weight management and health management products marketed under the brand name Medifast. Involved with Johns Hopkins in collaborating studies to show the efficacy of meal replacements, Dr. Andersen’s goal is to provide simple, convenient means for people to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

As the chief architect of Take Shape for Life, Dr. Andersen has built an integrated support system that helps people make the necessary changes in their lifestyles to create optimal health. Using a team approach of health professionals working with Certified Health Advisors, Dr. Andersen says we can provide leading edge nutritional solutions, medical support and the support of caring individuals, to provide the necessary one-on-one interaction so vital in changing peoples’ lives. This Take Shape for Life physician-led health network is gathering tremendous momentum.



My Take on the ProductsI was given a Medifast Shake and some snack food to try and though I do not completely need to go on a diet myself, I was impressed completely with the taste of the products and how they worked. The idea behind these is that they provide you with a low calorie alternative that suppresses your hunger (they fill you up). Yesterday I drank the shake for breakfast and afterward, though the shake was small, I did not feel hungry again until lunch. At lunch I tried the sack food and found similar results.

The shake and snacks were delicious. The shake was smooth and offered a rich chocolate taste while the snacks provided a honey mustard taste (both of which I completely enjoyed).

If you are looking for a good tasting alternative to dieting, check out the Medifast products today!

All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company.  Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Terms of Use  for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your tips is really help to who has suffering the fatness problems. Your way is really tasty for who want to reducing the weight losing. Your post is really informative. Please keep update.

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