Is the way we teach our children outdated? Have we lost site of the personal attention needed by students, instead sticking to an old methodical, industrial model that’s not preparing our children for the future?
The one thing we can be sure of is that the world of education needs creative solutions to motivate our children to learn at their full capacity, says Mary Wright, author of Magikal Mindwell,
Inspired by Sir Ken Robinson, who led the British government’s quest for cultural and creative education in the late 90s, Wright wrote Magikal Mindwell, a story that teaches us how to unlock the intelligence and motivation to learn in our children.
A study uncovered by Sir Robinson states that 98 percent of children aged three to five years old measure at a genius level when it comes to divergent thinking - the capacity for creativity. This demonstrates that we all have this ability when we’re young. However, the results of the study found that as children move through the educational system, the percentage continually dropped. Wright believes this happens because of the rise of standardized testing, and the lack of nurturing and creative thinking within the classroom.
Magikal Mindwel:The Beginning is the first installment in the story of Charlie and his quest to overcome his life’s obstacles. Because he has not learned the value of his education, Charlie often misbehaves and misses lessons. He has low self-esteem and is stuck in a pattern of self-sabotage, until he meets Magikal Mindwell, the gift he needs to unlock his true potential.
“All people learn when they are motivated to learn,” Wright says. “Only then are they teachable. For a child to be and remain motivated, their learning must be tailored to them as individuals.”
Magikal Mindwell is such the influence for Charlie. Through it all, Magikal Mindwell teaches Charlie to change his life for the better, inspiring him to make that leap of faith to secure his dreams. Ultimately, Wright’s fictional story of Charlie teaches us that when given the proper attention, our children will be motivated to learn and succeed on a whole new level.
“This book is really just the beginning for Charlie,” Wright says. “It sets the scene for the many exciting adventures that lay ahead.”
About the Author
Mary Wright worked in molecular biotechnology before retraining as a primary school teacher, later becoming a gifted and talented leading teacher. She has a degree in history and psychology, and gained credits in creative writing at the University of East Anglia. She has trained as a life coach and a TV presenter, has studied NLP, hypnotherapy and quantum physics. She is also a keen dancer and has taught dance in schools.
My Take on the Book
Be transported to a fantasy world unlike what we know in everyday life. It is a land of make believe and daydream, but as you read it you wonder how close or how far away it is to our own really. The book itself reminded me of some other fantasy writers, that offer a great spell-binding take that truly transports you. I found that this was a book that I did not want to put down and instead I wanted to read it completely through as I found out more about what would happen to the characters. Also, even though the story is fantasy, there are many realities about reaching out to those that would normally be hard to reach and as a parent and as a teacher, I see and appreciate this message all too well!
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