The $25 million donation is the largest ever, single contribution made to a regional council, and the second largest individual donation ever made to the Boy Scouts of America. This generous bequest will launch the local council's $90 million Centennial Campaign in celebration of Circle Ten's 100-year anniversary in 2011.
Specifically, the gift will establish the Trevor Rees-Jones ScoutReach Endowment Program for at-risk youth, and pay for capital improvements at the council’s four camp properties. With staggering statistics that show 4 out of 10 families in the U.S. today grow up without a father at home - America has the unenviable status of having the highest number of single parent families in the world! Obviously, there is a tremendous need to reach out to these children and ScoutReach is designed to reach both rural and urban areas. "We think this is the right gift to the right group," said Mr. Rees-Jones, "the Boy Scouts of America are part of the service-first fabric of this country and we want to invest in the next generation of young leaders."
In announcing the gift, Rex Tillerson, National President and Centennial Board Chairman, said: “The vision that Jan and Trevor have will allow Circle Ten to provide a first-class outdoor experience at our campsites - this leadership will open up the Scouting program for youth who might not otherwise be able to participate.”
In 2009, the Council spent approximately $1.4 million in direct costs to enable Circle Ten ScoutReach programs to serve approximately 7,500 boys who otherwise would not have been able to afford to participate in Scouting. After hearing the news, Circle Ten leaders were thrilled to know that the new ScoutReach endowment will ensure the program’s viability for years to come. “Supporting this campaign is about more than helping the Scouts of today,” said Circle Ten Board President Sherwood Blount, Jr., “it’s really about securing the future of Scouting for the kids of tomorrow.”
Since 1910, Scouting has helped mold the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes and understands that helping youth puts us on a path toward a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society. As one of our nation's largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations, the BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness.
Trevor Rees-Jones is an Eagle Scout from Troop 70 in University Park and has fond memories of attending the National Jamboree as a Scout. “I recognize the important role scouting played in my life,” said Rees-Jones, “and we want other young men in our community to have the same experience, especially those facing economic obstacles.”
The Rees-Jones Foundation is a private charitable organization established by the family primarily to benefit the people of North Texas. The Foundation’s mission is to provide support and funding for programs that will help improve the quality of life and circumstances of the people it serves, with special emphasis on assisting children and their families.
Specifically, the gift will establish the Trevor Rees-Jones ScoutReach Endowment Program for at-risk youth, and pay for capital improvements at the council’s four camp properties. With staggering statistics that show 4 out of 10 families in the U.S. today grow up without a father at home - America has the unenviable status of having the highest number of single parent families in the world! Obviously, there is a tremendous need to reach out to these children and ScoutReach is designed to reach both rural and urban areas. "We think this is the right gift to the right group," said Mr. Rees-Jones, "the Boy Scouts of America are part of the service-first fabric of this country and we want to invest in the next generation of young leaders."
In announcing the gift, Rex Tillerson, National President and Centennial Board Chairman, said: “The vision that Jan and Trevor have will allow Circle Ten to provide a first-class outdoor experience at our campsites - this leadership will open up the Scouting program for youth who might not otherwise be able to participate.”
In 2009, the Council spent approximately $1.4 million in direct costs to enable Circle Ten ScoutReach programs to serve approximately 7,500 boys who otherwise would not have been able to afford to participate in Scouting. After hearing the news, Circle Ten leaders were thrilled to know that the new ScoutReach endowment will ensure the program’s viability for years to come. “Supporting this campaign is about more than helping the Scouts of today,” said Circle Ten Board President Sherwood Blount, Jr., “it’s really about securing the future of Scouting for the kids of tomorrow.”
Since 1910, Scouting has helped mold the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes and understands that helping youth puts us on a path toward a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society. As one of our nation's largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations, the BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness.
Trevor Rees-Jones is an Eagle Scout from Troop 70 in University Park and has fond memories of attending the National Jamboree as a Scout. “I recognize the important role scouting played in my life,” said Rees-Jones, “and we want other young men in our community to have the same experience, especially those facing economic obstacles.”
The Rees-Jones Foundation is a private charitable organization established by the family primarily to benefit the people of North Texas. The Foundation’s mission is to provide support and funding for programs that will help improve the quality of life and circumstances of the people it serves, with special emphasis on assisting children and their families.
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