So many men, so little time, with her career in high gear too, what will sexy, stunning film actress Dana Scofield do besides engage in erotic romps with gorgeous men during the decadently delicious Summer of Love—1967? Will her artist friend Paula choose the handsome Texas rancher or the young and juicy Georgia peach? How does lust compare with love when it comes to finding true and lasting happiness? These are among Dana’s diverse dilemmas during the wild and wonderful Summer of Love!
From the Author
More years ago than I care to admit I started writing a book called Bittersweet Summer that quite a few years later turned out to be more than 700 pages, double-spaced. I started writing the story back in the time of the typewriter, forced to deal with carbon copies, which were a real pain. By the time an entertainment lawyer friend asked me to finish the book, because she thought she had a possible publisher for me, I had a desktop computer. That made the writing and rewriting a lot easier. Nonetheless, the publishing deal didn't happen, because of various misunderstandings on the part of all the parties involved, including me. By then, besides my two plays I had only published The Wheel of Destiny - The Tarot Reveals Your Master Plan with Llewellyn Publications. I had never published a novel. It was a brand new experience.
My romantic and somewhat complex story involves two beautiful, fascinating, creative yet very different women, Paula Marlow and Dana Scofield, who met during hard times and instantly became fast friends. Paula Marlow is the talented artist on the rise, with a couple of marriages and a couple of divorces and a couple of kids. Conversely, Dana Scofield has never been married and is an aspiring Hollywood actress on the fast track who has even appeared nude in foreign films with subtitles.
In 2004 a male agent said to me, "You write excellent sex scenes," before he went on to say that I needed to split my story in two and have two books instead of one. That was when I began the grueling task of tearing apart my creation by separating the scenes with Paula from the scenes with Dana. Thus, the first book was called Bittersweet Summer - Paula's Story, with the second book Summer of Love - Dana's Story. And since I was really tired of writing the story over and over as writers usually have to do, Dana's Story is a first person narrative of Dana's delightful escapades with different glorious males during the delirious Summer of Love. Dana is the wild child and the BFF of Paula and she was such fun to write! She's a combination of several actresses and friends I've known. I hope you enjoy both books!
About the Author
At the age of three months, Patricia McLaine was taken into a church by her mother to have her life dedicated to God. Clairvoyant since childhood, Patricia's visionary tales of fairies, angels, and the apparitions of departed relatives were dismissed by most relatives as the products of a highly active imagination. Her parents met as missionaries and were deeply religious. Young Patricia read the Bible from cover to cover at the age of 14.
With such a background, it is not surprising she became a metaphysician at the age of 30. Her special talents have been featured in numerous books and articles, as well as on radio and television.
Patricia is also the author of "The Wheel of Destiny: The Tarot Reveals Your Master Plan" and two plays, "Sidney" and "Love is Contagious." "The Recycling of Rosalie" is her first novel.
My Take on the Book
This is a much more steamy story this and the other books that I have read from this author in the past. Though the tone and plot of the book is much different than others but I have read in the past the book is just as well written and the caretakers as vibrant and colorful as in other books that she has written. in this book you definitely get drawn into the life of the main character, and as you read, the lines between reality and fiction collide giving you an opportunity to be able to simply lose yourself in the pages of the book. This is not exactly the type of book that I would typically read but knowing the author as I do, I gave it a chance. For anyone that loves a good book with great characters and vivid imagery you'll love this book. If you enjoy a book that has follows a very unique and interesting love life, this is a book for you as well. This was a well-written book by an author that for me continues to show that she is quite talented, and I would encourage you to take a look.
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