MEN: Ever wonder about stay-at-home dads? What in the name of testosterone do they DO all day with those kids? I mean, are they really men at all, or are they some strange, invasive alien species, sent to Earth to defy and destroy all gender stereotypes?
WOMEN: Ever dream about stay-at-home dads? Do they really wash clothes, pick up after themselves, take great care of your kids, and have dinner waiting for you when you get home? There must be horrible, secret downside that they don’t warn you about, right?
Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal provides a rare glimpse into the natural habitat of this most mysterious and splendid of creatures, the North American Stay-at-Home Father (Paternus domesticus). Learn what motivates a man to pursue this noble occupation. Discover the countless joys and periodic sorrows that come with raising a family.
Witness the life and family of Scott Benner, author, activist, humorist, and 12-year stay-at-home dad. When Scott’s daughter, Arden, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of two, his world took a sharp turn, but his positive outlook on life did not waver.
Scott’s colloquial wisdom will warm your heart while it challenges your ideas about parenting and gender roles in today’s household. Written from a truly unique point of view in a style both poignant and playful, Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal is an honest portrait of the modern family.
My Take on the Book
This was a funny look at both fatherhood and parenting and you have to love the author's approach and writing style! I know more and more dads that are now staying at home and this book gives a fun look into the world of this type of individual. Humorous and witty, this book will leaving you laughing in many places and touched in others. The book definitely will challenge your initial impressions of stay-at-home dads and what they mean to society today. At the same time you will love the writing style of the author (or at least I did), and will get an uncensored look into a whole new world that will make you smile and be ever more appreciative for the work that these dads do!
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Great review! This is really interesting. Thanks for sharing such information.
Thank you for taking the time to read my book and for the wonderful review!
I hope everyone enjoys the book. I've been writing about the process of writing it on my blog, check it out if you can,
Scott Benner
Thank you for taking the time to read my book and for the wonderful review!
I have been talking about the process of writing my first book on my blog. You can find the post through the FaceBook page below. I hope everyone enjoys Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal.
Scott Benner
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