Happiness is a choice you make each day
When Erica Nelson speaks about happiness you can see and feel the passion in her voice. She glows.
She left a career of corporate philanthropy to devote her time to helping others achieve success and happiness as a happiness coach. She started writing a daily journal in a blog online that became very popular on the social media website Facebook, and recently blossomed into a book. Her new book, HappinessQuotations: Gentle Reminders of Your Preciousness
captures the wisdom and essence of her most important and helpful guidance on achieving happiness.
“Happiness takes time each day. To step into happiness means to let go of judgment, fear, and programmed beliefs that hold you back,” says Nelson. “Let go of negative binds and free yourself up to joy and delight, awe and gratitude in living each day. It’s a choice.”
Nelson says “Happiness meets you where you are. You don't have to do anything new, wear anything new, buy anything new or have anything new -- although you might once you start feeling more happiness.”
One of the contradictions that most people have trouble understanding is to focus on happiness first. “Most people don’t realize they should work on happiness first and then success. Not success, then happiness. That’s a common mistake people make. It’s a big one, too.”
“You can change your chemistry on a dime. Here's an example. Pretend someone calls with the best news in the whole world. What happens? Now let's say they say ‘oops, I'm sorry, I was trying to reach someone else.’ The news goes away. But did it change you? For an instant? If someone else can change your chemistry with just a few simple words, then you can change your own mindset, too.”
Nelson notes that the most prevalent obstacle to experiencing happiness on a daily basis is to rehash old stories. “Let go of that, and tell a new story. If you are not willing to let go of the old stories about yourself, you might not be ready to be happy.”
“You can use similar process to improve your life in many other ways. You set yourself up to succeed. You can choose to see things differently. Choose the happiest interpretation of every situation, watch what happens to your outlook,” Nelson advises. “What is the result? You get to live longer, stay married longer, and move up more quickly in your career. Happiness has some perks.”
People really put happiness over there -- it can be right here. Stop waiting for tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes.
About the Author
When Erica became a journalist straight out of college, both parents celebrated. She is a University of California graduate in Psychology. Her first newspaper employer, The Dixon Tribune, won general excellence from the California Newspaper Publishers Association when Erica was the sole reporter. She wrote for the Sacramento Bee and then the Santa Barbara News Press for several years covering education, schools, cities, and breaking news.
She left newspapers in 1990, and worked for about a decade in philanthropy, starting out in Community Relations at Santa Clara-based Intel Corporation. She went on to work directly for Intel’s then-CEO Andy Grove, assisting Andy and his wife Eva with the development of the Grove Foundation. She became the first official employee and ultimately director of programs for the Grove Foundation.
Almost six years ago, she began a special coaching service dedicated to success and life development. Since January 2008, she has written a weekly advice column that runs Sundays in seven Bay Area newspapers, including the San Jose Mercury News and Contra Costa Times.
She started writing a daily journal in a blog online that became popular, quickly rising to more than 4,700 fans on Facebook, then blossomed into a book.
Erica is married to Randy Nelson, and they have three beautiful children, a horse and two cats. They live happily in San Jose CA.
My Take on the BookLife is a precious gift. You are on this planet for a reason. You are one of a kind. So be kind to yourself, allow yourself to grow and change, choose to forgive, and choose to be happy.You have the power within you to take each situation and use it as an opportunity to further your own development.
Erica M. Nelson's book is not one you need to read from front to back. You can choose any page. There are 127 different entries to choose from. It is the kind of book you can set on your bed stand and read it first thing in the morning and before you go to sleep.
Our author believes when you choose, yes the word is choose, to lead a life of happiness and joy, your life can unfold with beauty and purpose
There are far too many excellent readings to describe , but I will share a few to include in this review.
Quotation #3: Forgive Everyone
We need to forgive those who did not see our beauty, our light and who did not think we were enough. Ask yourself: who was unkind? who said or did hurtful things to you?Then let go of this in one big breath. The person who said hurtful things was not in a place of love, just ego, so separate yourself from them. Take a moment to heal, forgive and let go of the wrongs. Restore your spirit and bring energy back into your life.
Quotation # 96: In Wonder
Count your blessings and wonder. Experience your life as a child does. Allow yourself the freedom to feel wonder~ embrace the love you see in someone's eyes. Feel the blessings around you and write about them in a journal. Allow your busy life to settle and wonder.
Quotation #14: A Little Kindness
A little kindness goes a long way. Find ways you can show kindness. Acts of kindness will warm up hearts and clear up pain. Don't you feel blessed when someone is kind to you? So do that for some without being asked. Watch the words you say, change unkind thoughts you may be thinking. There is power in kindness.
You influence countless people everyday. Be more conscience of your actions, words and attitude. you can choose to change your life. You can become a more loving, forgiving, compassionate, happier person. What choice will you make?
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