I was given the chance to review this book from Thomas Nelson Publishing and, as I always enjoy learning more about history, I was excited to read this book. The book itself examines, as the title implies, 5 cities that ruled the world: Jerusalem; Athens, Rome, London & New York.
While a true history could probably take volumes to write on each of these cities, the author, Douglas Wilson condenses the pertinent information down to a mere200 pages of jam-packed information on the cities themselves.
I was amazed at how deftly the author examined the main points in history so that the non-historian could get a picture of the world through both a theological and historical lens while keeping the material simple and easy to understand.
I learned a lot in this book, and now am looking for more titles form the same author! I would recommend this book to all!
If this book sounds like something that would interest you, you can read a few pages by clicking here. If you have decided that this book is a must have it can be found on the Thomas Nelson website or at Amazon.com.
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