An you thawt we dint! Now Professor Happycat tells you what's in it and, from I HAS A and beyond, lets over 200 LOLdogs loose on the world, all barking the truth about kibble, toys, and bad kitties. This collection of favorites and never-before-seen photos will have you barking for more!
About the Author
Ben Huh is the CEO of Cheezburger Network, which owns and operates I Has A Hotdog, I Can Has, Fail Blog, and 38 other popular humor sites. He is a former journalist turned dot com entrepreneur who has a knack for nailing the zeitgeist. Ben has been credited with bringing Internet memes to the mainstream and popularizing Internet culture. The success of his business is attributed to his knowledge of memes, viral content, and crowd sourcing. Ben has been featured in the New York Times, TIME, the LA Times, and Wired magazine, among many publications in print and online.
My Thoughts on the BookI do like dogs (though I own cats) and this book was strewn full of dogs! I had not really known much about the I Has a Hotdog website so when I received this book, I did not know exactly what to expect.
This book is full of pictures of dogs with funny captions....that is the main concept. While it is definitely not going to increase your IQ, I will say that it will provide you with some fun entertainment through the clean humor that it provides.
The book is very quick read but may take you a bit longer if you have not seen books like these before. Why do I say this? One of the things that people either love or hate about the way that the website and book is written is that it is not written grammatically correct. So just as the name infers, you will find funny quotes such as: They said walk da hooman... Neva anything bout bringing em bak. I know that when J-Mom read this (being an elementary teach by training), she did not really like the way the book was set up for this reason. I can set that aside (though at times, I did have to go back a second time to make sure I read it right).
If this book sounds like something that you would like in your own library, you can find it on Amazon!
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