Going deep into The Word of Promise Next Generation . . . the audio Bible for the "wired generation!" You've heard the dramatized New Testament featuring the voice talents of many of today's top young Hollywood stars. Now dig deeper and embrace the truths and knowledge of the Bible like never before. This new devotional study guide series is available in four volumes. Each volume includes an MP3 CD, a devotional guide, and journaling section. The devotional guide is presented in 13 lessons with topical articles, exciting and fun 2-color graphic design, and creative interactive games and activities for youth to enjoy! Also included is a journaling section at the end of each lesson of the each book.
Volume Three – the "How" focuses on the study of how Jesus' continued presence can and should impact our lives. It is based on the books of 1-2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.
Features include: GET-IT (help to understand difficult concepts); GRAB-IT (how does this look in your own life); HOLD-IT (how to maintain in everyday life); GIVE-IT (how does this affect others in your life); DEFINE-IT (in-depth look at key words); and LIVE-IT (presentation of ideas, questions, challenges to support each session's content).
My Take on the Book
This book was a great resource for young people today that are trying to figure out for themselves what the Bible means to them as well as demystifying some of the historical realities that surround the Bible and the stories within.
I liked the fact that the authors try and help the young adults understand more about Christ and why they should want to emulate him, not just follow with blind faith. The authors also do a good job at holding the hands of the reader, helping them do what they need to do to make sure that everyone understands what they are trying to say.
This book was different in the sense that it tries to utilize both reading, a workbook and an MP3 to reach out to the young people and I think it truly works and makes what they are trying to say easy to follow.
Overall, I was impressed and plan to share this with a young adult that I know will appreciate it!
If this book sounds like something you would like for your own library you can find it on Amazon
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