Dad of Divas' Reviews: Book Review - Elevate Your Emotional Intelligence: A Parable That Reveals the Path to Better Relationships and a Happier Life

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Book Review - Elevate Your Emotional Intelligence: A Parable That Reveals the Path to Better Relationships and a Happier Life

Book Review - Elevate Your Emotional Intelligence: A Parable That Reveals the Path to Better Relationships and a Happier Life

About the Book

Did you know that Emotional Intelligence is a better predictor of success than IQ?

Cultivating emotional intelligence is central to achieving lasting success, whether you're navigating personal relationships, progressing in your career, or striving for personal growth.

The great news is - you CAN RAISE your level of emotional intelligence. AND it's not that difficult!

As a leadership coach, trainer, and speaker, In Elevate Your Emotional Intelligence Kathy Stoddard Torrey takes us on a five-step journey into the fascinating realm of Emotional Intelligence. This insightful and compelling parable provides practical strategies and tools for self-discovery and transformation.

You'll follow the story of Maria, a life and leadership coach who passed away unexpectedly and returns post-death to help her husband, John, navigate the complexities of human emotions. You'll watch John's progress as he ultimately transforms himself, his family, and his workplace through simple exercises that Maria suggests.

My Take on the Book
In this book you get a story that allows you to truly see the impact that we have on other people and the impact that they have on as too. The author does a great job of creating a story that really allows you to better understand emotional intelligence and the need for this in your personal and professional lives. The book provides actionable lessons in a parable format that make the concepts easy to understand and incorporate into your life. I found the book to be something that I kept thinking about after reading it and I am already seeing myself incorporate the lessons into my life and you will find this to be the case too!
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