Dad of Divas' Reviews: Book Review - The Dark Ascension Series: The Lost Ones

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Book Review - The Dark Ascension Series: The Lost Ones

The Dark Ascension Series: The Lost Ones

About the Book
Before Captain Hook became Never Land’s villain, there were two siblings seeking a home . . . 

In The Dark Ascension Series: The Lost Ones James and Marlene have always felt out of place in their humdrum fishing village, longing to escape the quiet lives their parents envision for them. But when Marlene’s birthday wish transports them both to an unsettling, magical paradise called Never Land, they discover an unexpected alternative: the chance to stay forever with the charismatic Peter and his Lost Boys. 

As the twins delve into the island’s violent secrets, their actions reignite a conflict between the fractured Lost Boys—and for the first time in their lives, James and Marlene find themselves at odds. With a war brewing and their memories slipping away every minute they spend in Never Land, they must choose whether to stay or go. But even if the twins stand together, Never Land--and Peter--won’t allow them to leave so easily. 

How far are James and Marlene willing to go to chart their own destinies? And if the price for freedom is losing their true selves--and each other--is it worth the cost?
My Take on the Book
I have always loved the Peter Pan story, and in this story, you get taken behind the scenes to better understand who Captain Hook is (or at least was) and why he is the way he is regarding how he feels about Peter Pan. The story humanizes James Hook as a boy and as a man and lets you see and understand him on a deeper level. In the end, you get to see the decisions that James makes and how this impacts his life and, in the end, turns him into the Captain Hook that you know. The book is a great read and something that really made me rethink and reconsider how I felt about Captain Hook, and it will do the same to you too!

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