Dad of Divas' Reviews: Book Review - Strong Is the New Pretty: A Celebration of Girls Being Themselves

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Book Review - Strong Is the New Pretty: A Celebration of Girls Being Themselves

Strong Is the New Pretty: A Celebration of Girls Being Themselves

About the Book

Girls being fearless. Girls being silly. Girls being wild, stubborn, and proud. Girls whose faces are smeared with dirt and lit up with joy. So simple and yet so powerful, Strong Is the New Pretty celebrates, through more than 175 memorable photographs, the strength and spirit of girls being 100% themselves.

Real beauty isn’t about being a certain size, acting a certain way, wearing the right clothes, or having your hair done (or even brushed). Real beauty is about being your authentic self and owning it. Kate T. Parker is a professional photographer who finds the real beauty in girls, capturing it for all the world to see in candid and arresting images.

A celebration, a catalog of spirit in words and smiles, an affirmation of the fact that it’s what’s inside you that counts, Strong Is the New Pretty conveys a powerful message for every girl, for every mother and father of a girl, for every coach and mentor and teacher, for everyone in the village that it takes to raise a strong and self-confident person.

My Take on the Book
As a father of daughters this book is one that I would recommend to anyone that has a daughter. The book does an amazing job at promoting and showing girls that being strong is a good thing and something that all girls should do. I have read this book with my daughters and they kept asking me to read just a bit more. I think that while this book may be made to be a coffee table book, it is also a great book that is one that will be good for kids to read along with with parents. What I loved was that the book offers inspiration and motivation for all who read this. This is a book I would highly recommend to all!

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