Dad of Divas' Reviews: Book Review - Thea Stilton: Mouseford Academy - The Secret Invention

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Book Review - Thea Stilton: Mouseford Academy - The Secret Invention

Thea Stilton: Mouseford Academy - The Secret Invention

About the Book
The students of Mouseford Academy are participating in an enormouse science fair! Mice from schools around the world are all hoping to take the top prize. The Thea Sisters would love to win, but so would Ruby Flashyfur - and shes willing to do whatever it takes! Can these mice play nice, or will the science fair be a total flop?

My Take on the Book
This is a great addition to the Thea Stilton series of books. The story is a ton of fun and you get great characters that you know as well as a few new ones too. The book has some great humor throughout and the images were vibrant and really drew you into the book itself! This was a quick read that you and your kids will love to read by themselves or you can read together as well.

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