
Monday, October 24, 2011

Mr. Daddy has Halloween tips!


Halloweenis almost here and kids are getting excited to put on their costumes to go Trick-Or-Treating. To them it’s all fun and games. Little do they know, it can be an unsafe time for them and their friends. As parenting expert“Mr. Daddy,” a.k.a. Robert Nickell, puts it, “…certain seasons and holidays tend to bring out the crazies, Halloween being one….”

Being a father to six kids over 20-years,“Mr. Daddy” certainly has had his share of Halloween experiences and is sharing some advice with fellow parents to ensure everyone has a safe and fun Halloween:

Trick or Treat:I think most people would agree; getting free candy is amongst the more enjoyable things in life, and your child will probably want to try their hand at the fun. In order to stay safe this Halloween, trick or treat with your child during the earlier evening hours. Walk from door to door with them allowing them to partake in the trick or treating experience while knowing they are safe and out of harm’s way. If you have older children, you can drive them to different neighborhoods that you know are safe and hang out while they visit the homes in the neighborhood. Give them a meeting place, a time and a cell phone. Lay out the ground rules ahead of time so you and your child can stay safe while having fun.

Party-in: While scavenging through neighborhoods filling pillowcases with candy is a more appealing Halloween tradition, it can be just as fun to have a party at home, which is what my wife, kids and I have done for the past several years. Everyone dresses up, you decorate your house to look like a haunted mansion, and you invite other close friends and family to come enjoy in the festivities. With your own bowls of candy dispersed throughout the house, you and your kids can indulge their Fall sweet tooth in a fun and safe environment.

Out and aBOOut:Generally, many towns and cities have festivals and activities for this season. You should check around your town to see if there is a pumpkin patch, a corn maze, a wagon ride or a haunted house that you and your child can attend for fun. It will give you all something festive to do without overindulging on too much sugar or making a haunted mess of your house.

Check the Bounty: If your children do go out to collect candy from strangers, make sure you inspect the goods when they get home. Throw away candies that are open or questionable. It’s probably also good not to let your child eat as much candy as he can stomach in one sitting. Teach them self control and responsibility by allowing them to pick out several pieces of candy a day. You can spread the candy out by sending some in his lunch pail and by eating a little yourself, of course!

Good Rules of Zombie-thumb:It’s always important to lay out a few good rules of thumb – or in this case, zombie-thumb – before letting loose. In the case of Halloween, make sure the neighborhoods you’re visiting are safe and well lit. If a house is dark, don’t go up to it, and make sure you select a time and place to meet if you aren’t walking around with your child. Your kids should carry a cell phone and walk with a group. Remind them not to get in anybody’s car or go in anybody’s house.

Nickell is the writer of a weekly parenting blog where he writes on topics such as bonding with your child, and what the father should expect during pregnancy and infancy. He writes from a man’s perspective and keeps dad engaged throughout his children’s lives.

Nickell is also the founder of DaddyScrubs, a line of fashionable hospital attire for the expectant father to wear during labor and delivery. He is the father of five children, and his practiced advice has been heard on TV and radio shows around the country.

These tips may be reprinted when credited to Robert Nickell, a.k.a. “Mr. Daddy,” father of six, founder of, delivery room duds for dads, and the Daddyscrubs blog where he covers topics about parenting and the latest baby and kids gear, all from a Dad’s perspective.

To learn more about Mr. Daddy or to read additional blogs, visit Visit to view apparel and gift items.

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