
Monday, October 24, 2011

Introducing New Myachi Battle Paddles and the Myachi Battle Paddle Kickstarter Project

About the Product

The Myachi Battle Paddle
Pricing: $20 (2 Paddles and 1 Myachi handsack)
Over the many years of teaching Myachi to the world, the company has learned a few things:
#1. Little kids have little hands
#2. A larger surface area makes it easier to catch a Myachi

With this knowledge in mind, the company decided to create the ultimate Myachi addition: the Myachi Battle Paddle!! Combining the design of a lacrosse stick head and the functionality of a baseball glove, the Battle Paddles are worn on the back of your hands and allow players to catch a Myachi thrown from far distances as well as successfully perform difficult tricks. Now, players can compete harder, faster, and longer! 

Myachi has always helped keep kids active, and now with the new Battle Paddles, Myachi Maniax everywhere will find even more and exciting ways to keep active, stay healthy and most importantly have fun.
Available in 4 awesome color combinations and fitting virtually every player 5 years old and up, the unique ambidextrous design allows for the Paddle to be worn on both hands.  Now you can land more difficult tricks or compete with your friends playing any of the numerous Myachi Battle Paddle games, such as Myachi Football, Myachi Lacrosse, Myachi Pong, Myachi Golf, and many others.

Myachi Battle Paddle Kickstarter Project

To "kickstart" the Battle Paddle launch, Myachi is running a special offer and campaign on, a really cool social network site designed to help companies fund development and launch new products.

To get in on the ground floor and be one of the first to get the all new Battle Paddles, here's what you should do:

  1. Click this link:
  2. Watch our Battle Paddle video, and see the rewards on the right side of the page listing what you will receive for pledging your support.  This special introductory offer is only available for the next 30 days and ends on November 2nd, so check it out now before it's too late!  
  3. Contribute at least $10 and continue to be a part of Myachi History with your very own "I supported the Myachi Battle Paddle Project" Limited Edition Myachi, as well as the coolest, most amazing new product to hit the market since the Myachi itself: the Myachi Battle Paddles!

My Take on the Product
This was a great new product. I had never heard of this, but my eldest (who is much more coordinated than I, decided to pick this up and try it out for herself. It took her a little bit to get the hang of it, but when she did she had a blast. Then of course she wanted dad to try it out and I did, and lo and behold, I, of course was not even close to as graceful as my daughter, but at least I gave it my all. I can definitely see how this can be both fun and great exercise for the person playing. Being a proponent of exercise for all, I love the idea of this product and can see so many kids having a blast with this product altogether! Well built and a ton of fun, this product is one you will want for your own home!

All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company.  Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer  for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.

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