
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Book Review - Budgets and Financial Management in Higher Education

Budgets and Financial Management in Higher Education

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About the Book
In today's challenging economic climate, college and university administrators need reliable financial advice for helping their institutions thrive. Thoroughly revised and updated, this book is designed to help new administrators understand and become more proficient in their financial management role within the institution. Written in an accessible style, so that the book's guidance is immediately useful, the book is grounded in the latest knowledge and filled with illustrative examples from across all types of institutions. This is an ideal resource for courses in graduate programs in higher education leadership and administration.

My Take on the Book
One of the things that was missing in my Masters degree in College Student Personnel was any information in regards to understand and working with budgets in higher education. When I entered the field back in 1999 I had to do a lot of self-education to understand how things worked and how things should work. As I moved into my Doctorate degree I purposely made sure that I took at least one course in this topic, unfortunately there really were few texts that existed at the time to really grasp these concepts so we ended up reading many different authors to try and gain a better, more broad perspective on this topic.

I could only have wished that we had a book as thorough as this one when I was going through my different advanced degrees. The authors of this book were very complete in their examination of the topics. It was well-written and very practical and useful. The book starts at the beginning and works its' way into deeper topics. This format makes it easy to grasp and to work through and for someone who has never had any experiences in this area, it walks you step-by-step through everything that you need to know, or at least gives you a start on your journey!

All-in-all I would highly recommend this for students and staff alike as it was a great read and really opened my eyes, and I have been in the field for 15 years!

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