
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Book Review - Ultimate Dot to Dot: Extreme Puzzle Challenge

Ultimate Dot to Dot: Extreme Puzzle Challenge

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About the Book
Connect-the-dots fans, rejoice! Ultimate Dot-to-Dot will captivate, motivate, and scintillate you for hours on end. You'll find hundreds of intricate dots to connect and projects to complete that are devilishly difficult…and wickedly fun. Put pen or pencil to paper and you'll soon free amazing animals, discover stunning objects, find intricate scenes, and so much more. Watch everything from lions to lizards, owls to peacocks magically appear as you complete these complex, varied, and challenging puzzles that dare you to keep making connections and having a great time while you do it. When you've completed each one, you'll also have an original and compelling work of art that you can pull out (the pages are perforated), frame, keep, or share.

My Take on the Book
This was an amazing book that really brings forth great animals through very intricate dots. I have never created such intricate designs in dot-to-dot in the past but I am so glad that I was able to find this and try this with my own daughters. You will love the pictures that you create as you go page-to-page in this remarkable book!

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