
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Haunted Museum: The Cursed Scarab by Suzanne Weyn

The Haunted Museum: The Cursed Scarab by Suzanne Weyn
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About the Book
Don't touch anything in The Haunted Museum!

Taylor has always felt a little like she belonged in ancient Egypt more than she does in the modern day. But when she helps stop a robbery at a branch of The Haunted Museum, the scarab she picks up doesn't seem to want to let her go. Mysterious people follow her from the U.S. all the way to Egypt. Scarabs appear from nowhere. Her dreams (or are they visions?) take her far into the past and show her secrets that have long been buried in desert sands. None of it makes sense, and no one seems to believe that anything out of the ordinary is happening.

If Taylor can't untangle the present from the past and break the ancient curse she'd unleashed, she knows that she might be entombed in Egypt forever!

My Take on the Book
If your 4th - 6th grader is looking for a thrilling adventure and mystery story, here is one that will keep them busy reading until the very end.

Taylor touched a scarab in a museum that was considered haunted. Someone was trying to steal it. From that point on Taylor became involved in incidents that transported her to an ancient time in Egypt in which she became Queen Nefertiti. The scarab followed her and protected her through many dangerous challenges throughout the story. 

Taylor was attacked by bugs with fangs and bat wings, taken by the Vampya who wanted her blood, and learned the story of the queen and the scarab in order to save herself and the Egyptian people.
The story was well written. The reader learns some stories about Egypt, the monuments, and the ancient civilizations. 

I think your child will have a difficult time just reading one chapter at a time with this adventure story.

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