
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Book Review - All You Want to Know About the Bible in Pop Culture

All You Want to Know About the Bible in Pop Culture

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About the Book
Somehow, it's hard to picture pop culture and Christianity going hand-in-hand, but maybe we simply aren't looking at things the right way. All You Want to Know About the Bible in Pop Culture reveals places where readers may be surprised to find redeeming values and gospel messages in today's movies, music, popular TV shows, and much more!

When you look closely, past the outrageous outfits and the antics of teen pop-sensations, it's easy to see that from the big screen to the small screen and right down to the radio waves, God and His stories are still prevalent in pop culture today. There are movies and television shows that speak eternal truth, reality show families who represent believers well, even fictional Christians portrayed in a positive light. And if you listen closely, musicians are still conversing with God as the original songwriters of the Bible did. For the reader searching for meaning in media today, All You Want to Know About the Bible in Pop Culture is the perfect choice.

My Take on the Book
There are so many instances in our modern day culture and in the past where creative people have written books, movies or plays in which you can actually see the qualities of Jesus in the main character. Even with thinking that, Kevin Harvey's book actually highlights and names specific instances in which the Bible has come into our visual media.

There are so many analogies that Kevin Harvey made. Here are a few:

  • Superman was raised by a simple family but had super powers to help others unselfishly. Also take a look at Batman, X-Men, and the list goes on of "good reigning over evil". Another example is in the movie Despicable Me. The little girls are orphaned and are helped by someone who appears to just use them, but in the end good overcomes evil once again.
  • There are many more examples in the book and Kevin Harvey refers to the Bible and of course all the readings there. Basically the theme is "love as Jesus loves" in our world.
  • The author included various puzzles and mazes at the end of the book for the readers' enjoyment. The answers are included also. 

This was an interesting book to read and will encourage you to look at other examples in our media that bring in the Bible.

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