
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Bulu Box Subscriptions Keep the Surprises Coming #DadChat

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Being healthy takes time and sometimes when you are on the go, it is hard, if not impossible. The monthly Bulu box subscription helps you by sending you some of the things that you can easily use on the go that are healthy and portable.

Over the last month I have been traveling a lot, and because of this I have to say that I was very happy to have received my first and second BULY boxes in the mail. In each of these boxes you get to try a number of items that are there to promote good health on the go. From calcium chews to granola bars, protein drinks to powders to mix nutrients into your coffee, you get it all.

The nice thing, is that the box comes right to your door. While there is not a ton in each box, you get a good sampling of items that I had never heard of or tried before and since then, I can say that I now have some new brands that I am following and engaging with, as well as products I am looking for locally as they were so good.

So if you are looking to get and stay healthy and need a little help, look to BULU to be that helping hand and little encouragement to keep you on the straights and narrow path!

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