
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Book Review - What's the Big Idea, Charlie Brown?

What's the Big Idea, Charlie Brown?

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About the Book
Charlie Brown and his friends are throwing a party to celebrate great inventions! To prepare for the party, everyone in the Peanuts gang is coming up with a favorite “big idea” from history. But Charlie Brown has a problem: he can’t think of any big ideas! Rediscover history’s great inventions—and learn about a very important inventor you’ve never even heard of before—in this fun and enlightening new Peanuts story. Book includes presentations on great inventors and activity pages.

My Take on the Book
When I read this story my immediate thought was what a great book to share in a classroom setting and use with the children. It made me wonder what "big idea" the children would choose in a school setting with all their different backgrounds and families.

We certainly live a life of conveniences which were someone's "big idea". 

Charles M. Schulz's story brings forth the idea of inventors . It is an entertaining story with fun for your children. The Peanuts gang furnish the fun of course. 

Read the story to find out who wins the blue ribbon. (Snoopy and Woodstock are the judges.)

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  1. This was a really helpful review. Made me plan on purchasing the book for my grandson's birthday. Thank you Dad of Divas!

  2. This was a really helpful review. Helped me decide to purchase it for my grandson's birthday next month. Thanks Dad of Divas. Good job!
