
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Book Review - The History of Money: From Bartering to Banking

The History of Money: From Bartering to Banking
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About the Book
With clarity and humor, Martin Jenkins and Satoshi Kitamura take readers on a fascinating tour of the history of money.

What can take the form of a stone with a hole in the middle, a string of shells, a piece of paper, or a plastic card? The answer is money, of course. But when did we start using it? And why? What does money have to do with writing? And how do taxes and interest work? From the Stone Age to modern banking, this lighthearted and engaging account traces the history of the stuff that makes the world go round.

My Take on the Book
Martin Jenkins has written a detailed account of the history of our money system from the beginning where goods and services were exchanged to our monetary system today. He began his account with the men and women who were cave dwellers. They relied on the community and the people's expertise in order to survive. It was interesting to note when IOU's came into existence and that the Romans made the first coins which lead to our money system.

Martin explains well the idea of inflation and how banking became a system we rely on today also.

This is a very good reference book to use if you need details about the history of money. I can see how it could be used with children to develop a unit of discovery about money.

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