
Monday, April 14, 2014

Book Review - Chengdu Could Not, Would Not, Fall Asleep

Chengdu Could Not, Would Not, Fall Asleep
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About the Book
High in his tree a young panda named Chengdu lies awake, even though everyone around him is quietly sleeping. He tosses and he turns. He scrunches and he squirms, until he finally finds the perfect spot.

My Take on the Book
Chengdu is a panda who lives where there are eucalyptus trees,. He has difficulty falling asleep. Like so many children and adults, some nights we tend to stay awake longer. Chengdu goes through some of the main motions we all do, but still cannot fall asleep.Finally Chengdu climbs and finds another panda who cannot fall asleep. Maybe finding a sleepless friend will help you fall asleep. This is a nice story to read on those nights when your little one has difficulty sleeping.

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