
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Blu-ray Review - Devil's Due

Devil's Due

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About the Movie
A young couple's blessed event turns into their worst nightmare in one of the most terrifying horror films ever conceived! After a mysterious night on their honeymoon, Zach and Samantha McCall find themselves dealing with an earlier-than-planned pregnancy. While recording everything on video for posterity, Zach notices odd behavior in his wife, which they initially attribute to nerves, although it soon becomes evident that the disturbing changes to Samantha's body and mind have a much more sinister origin. All will suffer...but who will survive?

My Take on the Movie
I don't watch a lot of Horror movies, as this is not the genre of film that I am most drawn too, but this one was different because this one was a movie that I had a connection too. My wife's former classmate wrote this move, so we were intrigued to see it and report our thoughts out to the world. While some might not like the "found footage" type aspects of the film itself, I think this made the movie even more intriguing and suspenseful and well done. There were parts in the movie that I felt left out some key elements but overall the movie seemed in our perspectives to provide a bit of a fresh approach to the theme itself. On top of this the actors in the movie (especially the main ones) did a admirable job too. The engaged the audience and were believable in their portrayal too. Through each step of the movie, you see the world around the main character growing darker and darker and you truly are left unaware of what will happen next by the end of the film. So hold on to your britches because you are going to be taken for a tremendous ride toward a place that you may or may not be ready to go!

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