
Monday, February 24, 2014

CritterZone Makes Pet Smells Disappear

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About the Product
CritterZone is an extraordinary product that’s super helpful for pet owners and families. It’s an air naturalizer that tackles odors, allergens, germs and more. It is great for virtually eliminating smells from pet accidents, litter boxes, puppy pads, and many other odor issues!
What makes the CritterZone really unique is it doesn’t use harmful chemicals to mask odors. It actually energizes the air by creating a charged flow that removes unwanted particles, much in the same way Mother Nature does outdoors. The result is fresh, clean air that is better to breathe. It also can help with pet “accidents” that may occur on carpets and other materials and even restores the air in vehicles.

It’s easy to use (no filters involved), is energy efficient and can handle up to 800 square feet of space. In fact, it costs less than a penny per day to run, which makes it affordable to use 24/7 to clean your air.

My Take on the Product
I have been using this product for the past week or so. With two cats and a litter box, the area around the litter box tends to get a bit smelly and even if I clean it once per day, sometimes that smell permeates throughout the basement, to our consternation.

This product, which is small and discrete works so well. By simply plugging it in you start cleaning the air. Best of all, you don't have to change any filter and instead simply start cleaning the air through a natural process instead.

At first I smelled a slight metallic smell which is normal, but after this initial sell, I never smelled that again. Instead I found the air to be quite refreshing in the area where the litter was. The more that I used it, the more I found that it seemed to neutralize the airborne smells. This did not mean that I should clean the cat box any less, but it did give us peace of mind in knowing that the smells that were wafting out from the cats were controlled for the most part.

If you have pets and the smells are getting unbearable, I highly encourage you to check this out, as it is working for my family and I know that it can work for you too!


I have set up a special offer with the company for my readers. If you go onto the CritterZone Website and use the discount code DADOFDIVAS you can get $10 off the Air Naturalizers or the Travel Pack!

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