
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Holiday Gift Guide - Playmobile Large Furnished Hotel

Playmobile Large Furnished Hotel

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About the Toy
Check into the Large Furnished Hotel for an extended getaway. Start off in the lobby decorated with a check-in counter, safe, room keys, computer monitor, magazine rack, and more. Travel upstairs in the functioning elevator, and use the key cards to enter one of two rooms. Whether travelling with a baby or young children, the crib with foldable sides or two bunk beds ensure that the hotel can accommodate families of all sizes. Each room includes two windows, bed, side table, chair, phone, television, clock, as well as a bathroom with shower and toilet. Room 102 also includes a balcony with lounge chair for added outdoor relaxation. After a good nights sleep, guests can enjoy breakfast in the hotel café furnished with table, chairs, dishes and silverware, and a highchair. A waiter is on staff to serve a large selection of food. The hotel also has a game room with lots of toys offering a great space for kids to have some indoor fun. Set also includes eight figures, luggage, surfboard, skateboard, plants, and a large variety of additional accessories for endless play. Dimensions: 27.2 x 11.8 x 15.7 in (LxWxH). This set can be upgraded with the PLAYMOBIL Luxury Hotel Suite (#5269).

Playmobile Large Furnished Hotel

My Take on the Toy
This was an amazing hotel with such detail that I have not seen in the past in past toys like this. The hotel was easy to put together and the amount of detail that has been placed in this was remarkable. My daughter loved all of the little extras that were provided in this, and seeing that she is five, this was perfect for her small hands.

The set really encouraged her to use her imagination and creativity as she was playing with this. The details that I was mentioning really was amazing.... down to toys in the toy room, they have done so much to draw the child in and to allow them to take this to the next level.

All-in-all, if you are looking for an amazing toy this holiday season that will encourage imagination, creativity and fun play time, this is definitely the toy to consider for your own children. I highly recommend this!!!

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