
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Book Review - The Anger Workbook

About the Book
Don't Let Anger Take Control!

Most people stereotype anger by assuming that it always results in shouting, slamming fists, or throwing things. However, anger is not that one-dimensional.

In fact, all of the statements below represent feelings of anger:

When I am displeased with someone I shut down any communication and withdraw.

  • I get very tense inside as I tackle a demanding task.
  • I feel frustrated when i see someone else having fewer struggles than I.
  • There are times when my discouragement just makes me want to call it quits.
  • I can be quite aggressive in my business pursuits or even when just playing a game.
  • We all deal with anger in our lives, whether it be in a subtle or violent manner.
  • Being angry can involve such emotional expressions as frustration, irritability, annoyance, aggravation, blowing off steam, or fretting.

The good news is anger can be managed. In The Anger Workbook Les Carter, Ph.D., and Frank Minirth, M.D., offer a unique 13-step interactive program that will help you:

  • Identify the best ways to handle anger
  • Understand how pride, fear, loneliness, and inferiority feed your anger
  • Uncover and eliminate the myths that perpetuate anger-"Letting go of my anger means I am conceding defeat" or "No one understand my unique problems."
  • Identify learned patterns or relating, thinking, and behaving in your life that influence your anger.

My Take on the Book
This was an interesting take on anger and how the bible and the teachings of the bible tie into anger management. So many of us deal with anger in so many different ways, but this book was so well written and for anyone that is spiritual you will appreciate how this is written and how it is helps all to identify and use the resources that you need to deal with the anger that you have. This book was so easy to read and I found so many great resources for myself and for the people around me (as I have already shared this with others). While I have never had a huge problem with anger, there have been times, and this book was a great addition to my own learning and development as a person and as a husband and father!

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