
Monday, June 4, 2012

Book Review - The Labyrinth (The Lima Bear Stories)

About the Book
Princess Belinda Bean takes the throne as Queen and Ruler of Beandom. All are happy except the duke, Mean Ol' Bean, who wants to be the king and ruler. He lures her into a magic labyrinth from which there is no escape. L. Joe Bean, one of her subjects, discovers the plot. Will he be able to save his queen? What will happen to Mean Ol' Bean? The message of the story is that cleverness wins the day. In the series entitled The Lima Bear Stories, each has a distinct personality that shines through in every story. While the children have no idea what twists and turns the story may take, they come to know the characters and have a pretty good idea of how they are likely to act in different situations and settings. Each story carries an important overriding message (such as courage, tolerance, honesty), and we believe that knowing the characters creates a better understanding and appreciation of the message.

About the Author 
Thomas Weck is a creative and captivating national award-winning author of children's books. He has traveled extensively in the United States and in foreign countries including teaching children through the Peace Corps. With four children of his own and a passion for observing children's behavior, he has distilled these observations into stories that excite the imagination of young minds amidst peals of laughter and learning. Peter Weck grew up enjoying the wonderful stories his father told about Lima Bear and his friends. Now that he is the father of three young girls, he has teamed up with his father to capture these and other stories in print. Peter's goal is to help children foster a love for creating, reading, and listening to stories. He currently serves on the board of the Menlo Park Library Foundation and is CEO of StoryJumper, a web-based company that enables anyone to create and illustrate children's stories.

My Take on the Book 
This was another great addition to the Uma Bear stories! I loved the story this time around and as always the illustrations jump off the page and definitely keep your attention! I also loved the characters in this story and you will also! On top of this I have to say that I have been impressed with Thomas Weck and his writing for some time, as he brings together worlds and characters that just jump off the page and my girls just love his stores too. Each story has valuable messages (like this one) and allows you to also have some great conversations with your girls as you read his books! This book does all of that and more and I highly recommend that you share this with your kids as well!

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