
Sunday, March 4, 2012

4 Workouts at the Park

4 Workouts at the Park

Playgrounds are not just for kids, but also for those that are a “kid at heart.” Make the most of a calorie burn by having fun with the kids and getting a workout in! Your children will get a benefit by having fun with mom or dad and also by promoting to them that being fit is fun.

Tara Zimliki, founder of Tara’s Bootcamp, is no stranger to getting the whole family involved in her workouts. As a mom of two young daughters, she has perfected the art of making “fitness into funtime” with her children. Below are some of her favorite tips for those looking to maximize their time at the playground and have a workout at the park:

Simple Exercises for the Playground

  1. Use the Monkey Bars for chin ups or pull-ups, which will effectively tone your triceps, biceps, core and back.
  2. The Swingset is a perfect tool to use for stability and core exercises. Try a one-leg squat with one foot in the seat of the swing. Target your abs by sitting on the swing and leaning back about 45 degrees. Hold your legs straight out in front of you and cross them over one another in a “scissor”motion.
  3. Park Benches are not just for sitting! Target your shoulders and triceps with a bench dip. Place your hands on the edge of the bench seat and your feet angled in front of you. Lower yourself off the bench with your hands until your elbows are at about a 90-degree angle, and lift back up.
  4. Become a Jungle-Gym Jock. While your kids play on the jungle gym, use it to strengthen your arms with a standing push-up. The father back you stand from the gym, the harder the push-ups become.

How to Turn Your Stroller Into a Personal Gym

  1. Lunges and Squats are made more fun for kids by using their strollers for support or added resistance
  2. Running with a Stroller is no picnic, but Tara suggests ramping up your workout with intervals to make your routine go from boring to exciting for your kids

About Tara Zimliki

Tara is a Certified Personal Trainer and a Boot Camp Instructor. She has competed and trained with top athletes at the University of South Carolina where she was awarded a full crosscountry scholarship. Tara has a degree and specializes in fat loss and nutrition. She is passionate about helping people change both body and mind, believing positive results stem from positive attitudes. She helps clients maintain this attitude with fun, challenging and rewarding workouts. Tara’s love of fitness started as a child when she began running at the young age of 7. She played numerous sports but running was her passion. Tara enjoyed it so much that she continued running right up until she had children, completing the New York Marathon 8 months pregnant with her 2nd daughter and the New York Marathon 6 months pregnant with her 3rd child and even ran 1 mile the day she gave birth to her first daughter and 3 miles the day she gave birth to her second daughter and taught and participated in two bootcamp classes before she went to the hospital to deliver her third healthy and happy child. Tara has completed 17 Marathons and hundreds of races worldwide. In addition, she has won many 5Ks and placed top in many long distance runs. In 2008, Tara placed in the top 500 women for the NYC Marathon. Recently, she won the USATF New Balance Long Distance Grand Prix for women 34 and under for the 5th consecutive year. Tara’s practices what she preaches in all aspects of fitness and health and for this reason she is a trusted trainer that produces results. For more information, please visit

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