
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Ticket Store Game Launches Online

As TED (Technology Entertainment Design) keynote speaker Jane McGonigal brought to light in her talk "Gaming Can Make a Better World," we can use desire, focus, rewards and 3 billion hours a week of experience we have with virtual gaming to impact positive changes in the real world.

The Ticket Store Game is the ultimate application of this theory to improve child behavior, introducing an online interactive game and connecting the virtual world with positive behavior changes in the real world. While the traditional board game has been successfully utilized in over 10 countries, the online game brings the concept to a modern level.

With a new generation of families with tech-savvy parents and kids, The Ticket Store Game provides a new virtual platform in which kids are comfortable interacting. As an online children’s development strategy, the game leverages a parent’s effort in behavior modification through positive reinforcement and pioneers modernized virtual relationships for better child listening and responsiveness.

Following Malcolm Gladwell’s "Outliers" formula for success, being 10,000 hours spent on an effort, and knowing kids typically spend that many hours with virtual games by the time they are 18—if even a portion of that time is applied to The Ticket Store Game, the result is "virtuosos" of good behavior.

The Ticket Store Game offers an advanced approach in making responsive and responsible acts attractive. Creating a virtual board game with animated characters and avatars, parents assign each child tasks to complete in exchange for ticketed rewards. Parents/teachers and children craft personalized game boards to provide the ultimate recompense for favorable behavior. A digital piggy bank is available to accumulate tickets and allow the child to use their savings to "cash" in for rewards. A bonus board welcomes kids to move through "Tickieville" to earn additional tickets for community service, online library reading, performing a school activity and more. The Ticket Store Game provides a world of real life experiences to improve kids behavior.

The Ticket Store Game is not just for home use. The concepts of ownership, savings, community service, anti-bullying, acts of kindness and rewards can be incorporated into a classroom, parenting group, or school district, where kids play in competition with others, often for meaningful but inexpensive rewards. Through interactive digital literacy for positive behavior modification, the game has welcomed the next generation of parents, teachers and children who are more responsive to digital stimuli.

For more information on The Ticket Store Game visit

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