
Monday, August 22, 2011

Book Review - Right From the Heart

About the Book

You want to spend meaningful time each day with the Lord, but about 10 minutes into your day the demands of life distract and pull at you, and threaten to overshadow your plans for quiet time. Pastor Bryant Wright lends helpful guidance for staying focused on God’s Word and applying it to your daily living. His to-the-point messages set the tone for living as Jesus lived, no matter your circumstances.
Setting aside just a few minutes each day with the Lord can change your heart. The condition of your heart can change your day. And the outcome of your day can change the course of your life for His eternal glory.

My Take on the Book
This book was a wonderful devotional that brings together everything that you need in one place to help you to continue on your path of daily devotion.

One thing that was great about the book itself was that the daily devotions were short and easy to read and with the structure of the book being the way it is, you are able to easily follow along and keep up within the book and you are not over-tasked with the tasks of the day.

Each day you are given a bible verse and a message to consider. The read will only take you a few minutes, so whether you do this in the morning before the day begins or before you go to bed, the book gives you some good concepts to ponder to help you make sense of the world that we are in. 

The book is a very nice collectible edition and the binding of the book makes it seem like it is an antique. Thus the look itself was one that would sit well on any bookshelf. 

Overall, this book was a great read, and although I have only started the devotionals, I can tell by what I have read and thought about thus far, this this book would be great for any person who is traditionally on the go yet still wants to have a few minutes each day on contemplative thought and reflection on the word of God.

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