
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Time to Suit Up Men - Lands' End Dress Clothes

On a daily basis, I work in a profession that requires me to dress up, wearing the proverbial Business Dress Clothes to the office. I do not mind this at all, but being a short man, I have to say that it is not always easy to find dress clothes that fit the right way.

In saying this, think about it, there are Big and Tall stores and sections in stores, but how often do you find a short and small store, that's right, you don't.

In a recent "How I met Your Mother" episode, the character of Barney sings about that he would not trade anything for his suits and calls all to suit up. In following his example I contacted Lands' End about the opportunity to try out their Men's Dress Line of clothes and I was happy to get interest form their end. So thanks to Lands' End, I have some new dress clothes that are high quality and fit great. If you never saw the musical interlude, I think you will enjoy it so I included it below:

Lands End sent me the following for my dress ensemble.
  1. Men's Regular Tailored Fit 2-button Yes 'Rounder Suitcoat 
  2. Men's Regular Plain Front Tailored Fit Pattern Wrinkle Resistant Year'rounder Dress Pants 
  3. Men's Medium Wingtip Shoes 
  4. Men's Regular Repp Racing Stripe Necktie
  5. Men's Regular Circle Links Necktie  
  6. Men's Regular Long Sleeve Tailored Fit Pattern Straight Collar No Iron Pinpoint Dress Shirt
My take on the items was that they fit wonderful and as J-Mom stated, they made me look good as well (but I will leave that up to all of you to see what you think about that). I was impressed by the quality of the items. The coat and pants were 100% wool and were light and comfortable to wear. The Neckties were 100% silk and were great and could be worn with many types of shirts (you might guess that I like good looking ties!).

As I mentioned I am always looking for ways to be able to find clothes that fit and one thing that I did like about the clothes at Lands' End was that you could get almost any size that you needed. This was especially true with pants where you are asked for not only your waist size but also your inseam so that the pants will fit perfectly. Granted you will need to have these lengths for your order, but it is not too difficult to find.

Lands' End has a wonderful array of clothing for men, women and children that I would whole heartily recommend. While I hadn't had a lot of opportunities to have Lands' End clothes before, I will definitely be looking for other clothes in the future.

All opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company.  Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Terms of Use  for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.

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  1. did land's end just give you the clothes?

  2. From one married person to another--you look pretty spiffy!
