
Friday, April 21, 2017

Book Review - Precise Leaders Get Results

Precise Leaders Get Results

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About the Book
Throughout my career, I have observed, studied, and interviewed many leaders including CEOs, presidents, vice presidents, executives, consultants, coaches, managers, and teachers. My goal all along has been to identify what the best leaders do in order to influence, inspire, and bring out the best in people. What I have discovered is that the truly great leaders have a clear and precise understanding of three things:

  1. 1. The context—they know how to diagnose and evaluate the current environment. They see both the problems and opportunities. Afterwards, they are able to clarify “what is” and identify “what’s possible.”
  2. Themselves—they are self-aware. They know who they are and what they believe. They are clear on their mission and priorities, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. 
  3. The interaction—they know how to connect with people and make a positive impact. They understand how to present their ideas in a clear, concise, and compelling way. 

All great leaders find precise answers to the following questions:
  1. What are my core beliefs and values?
  2. What is the current situation and what is possible in the future?
  3. Why change is needed?
  4. Who needs to change and what specific changes are required?
  5. Are people able and willing to change?
  6. What is the plan to increase people’s knowledge, skills and desire?
  7. How will people benefit?

My Take on the Book
The author of this book delved deep into some great examples of leaders from numerous companies and industries. Paul Thornton examined these leaders and these businesses and found that great leaders leave nothing to question. In actuality, the author finds that the opposite is true. Instead, he found that leaders that were seen as world-class were striving for a 'precise' understanding of the company culture and employee behavior that they are seeking. The book is honest and forthright and while shorter than some books, this book goes deep, and is a book that all leaders should read!

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