
Thursday, October 29, 2015

A New Way To Energize Yourself - With Matcha!

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About the Matcha
Midori Spring's Ceremonial Gold Matcha - is a ceremonial grade (premium) green tea used for brewing the finest most flavorful drinking tea you'll ever taste. This is NOT a cooking grade powder (although it can be used for cooking if you prefer), the quality is so high that it is primarily reserved for tea ceremonies for it's full flavor, and health benefits.

Rich, smooth and creamy with a hint of sweetness when brewed traditionally. This premium product is Ceremonial Grade and is Organic (USDA, JAS) and Kosher (OU) Certified. We only select the best raw material from our tea gardens mostly from Aichi and Kagoshima in Japan and maintain the highest standards in production. Our Matcha has a fresh, sweet, green-vegetable-like aroma. The colour is a vibrant emerald green. Only high quality Ceremonial Grade Matcha encompass these features. You can enjoy Midori Spring's Ceremonial Gold Matcha the traditional way by brewing or you can create your own Matcha inspired recipe. Whichever style you choose to have your Matcha, you can experience the many health benefits it has to offer since Matcha is a Superfood.

There are many immediate and long term health benefits when consuming Matcha, which include: increase in energy without the jitters, reduce stress and improve mental alertness, improve metabolism and help with weight loss, boost immune system and reduce inflammation and help the body cleanse of harmful elements. Give back to your health and embrace the power of Matcha.

My Take on the Matcha
I love to use Matcha in my daily smoothies for a nice, natural pick-me-up. However, I find that there is a definite difference in quality of Matcha that I have tried in the past so I always try and find good quality Matcha when I purchase it. That being said, I have to say that I have been enjoying the taste and quality of Midori Spring’s Matcha. You do not need a lot to make a difference and it mixes well It mixes well in my daily smoothies. Even without mixing it into a smoothie, the flavor was strong and not bitter which us exactly what I am looking for in a Matcha.

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