
Friday, March 27, 2015

The ReelCase ( @reelcase ) Helps You No Longer Miss Photos!


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How did the idea of ReelCase come about?
Founder Zach Chavez was at a motorsport event and found himself constantly putting his phone away and taking it out to capture photos of the riders. This resulted in a lot of missed photos and videos. He instantly thought to himself how he could create a smartphone device that brought more convenience and accessibility to users. When he got back to his car, he began drawing sketches of a smartphone case. A lanyard integrated into a case seemed like the perfect idea.

When he brought the ReelCase idea to his buddy Dan Brandt, he too was highly intrigued by the idea. They decided to partner up and ReelCase was born. They began designing prototypes and with the help of a design team and a manufacturer began testing and modifying several different prototypes.


With all the smartphone cases on the market was sets ReelCase apart?
The unique difference point for ReelCase is the worlds first ever retractable lanyard integrated into the case. The retractable lanyard allows users to access their phone like never before. ReelCase is more than just protection for your smartphone, its a device that allows you to stay in top of your daily life without worrying about the trouble of finding and accessing your smartphone. There is so much we can do with our smartphones these days from mobile pictures, texting, games, internet, and accessing an array of applications, our smartphone is a necessity throughout our daily life. The mission at ReelCase is to provide easy access and convenience to smartphone users.


Could you tell me about the process of making ReelCase?
The process of making ReelCase has been our most difficult task to date. We started creating prototypes in our own homes first. We began by gluing retractable reels onto the back of smartphone cases to get an idea of how the ReelCase would operate and function. From there numerous sketches were drawn that showed the reel mechanism integrated into the case. With the help of an engineer we began to design more advanced prototypes. After developing our first functional prototypes and drawing CAD designs on the computer of what the final design would look like, we got in contact with a manufacturer who could begin the injection mold tooling for ReelCase. It took several different prototype variations and refinements from our manufacture but before long we had a functional Reel mechanism that worked gracefully. Getting the retractable lanyard to function correctly was the most difficult part of the process, but we just settled on our final prototypes that have been working outstanding.


What phones are the ReelCase compatible with right now?
iphone 5/5s

Do you plan to expand in the future?
yes we do. In the very near future we plan on beginning the tool for the iPhone 6 followed by the samsung models. We also have different products and variations to our product in mind. We want to create an attachable and detachable reel mechanism that can be put on the back of phones or cases. We also want to add a clip to the reel so you can attach it to your belt loop or other objects such as backpacks or purses.

Is there anything else you'd like to share with our community?
KickStarter is a great platform for launching products such as ReelCase. For those that don't know what KickStarter is, its a crowd funding platform where entrepreneurs go to post their ideas, inventions, and creations. The kickstarter community or crowd gives donations to the campaign in exchange for a reward such as a ReelCase t-shirt or case. KickStarter will allow us to cover funds we have not yet payed for such as the injection mold tooling and additional cases we make such as the iPhone6. So please get the word out there to everyone about ReelCase. Share our page, donate to our campaign, and help spread the love about our product. lets get ReelCase out into the market and into peoples hands so we can start changing the way we use our smartphones for the better.

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